Transport plans to renew driver’s license online without having to go to the transportation office

Bangkok, Department of Land Transport Aiming to allow online driver's license renewals without having to travel to the transport office yourself Accelerate coordination with the Medical Council, Department of Provincial Administration, linking systems Ready to accelerate the promotion of the use of clean energy vehicles in the long term. Collect annual car taxes according to the amount of carbon dioxide emissions, while IEAT recommends that the government support hybrid cars. Prevent the relocation of production bases of automobile manufacturers. Mr. Chirut Wisanjit, Director-General of the Department of Land Transport, revealed that the Department of Land Transport has an idea to allow people with car driving licenses to renew their licenses through the online system. There is no need to contact the Department of Land Transport to apply for a driver's license renewal. To facilitate drivers' license users. Including reducing the workload on the part of officials which according to the law of the Department of Land Transport It is determined that those who wish to renew their driver's license must have a medical certificate. and must come to have the body's reflexes and eyesight tested at the Transport Office But if in the future everything can be done online Those who wish to renew their driver's license no longer have to travel to the transportation office. For example, the Ministry of Public Health currently has a telemedicine system (DMS Telemedicine) or "telemedicine system" which may involve various checks. Through the doctor's online system Then connect the data to the Department's system, and the Department must also connect to the Department of Provincial Administration's system. In order to coordinate personal information And you can use a photo of your ID card without having to take the photo at the Transport Office. However, for new license applicants and license renewal applicants Those over 60 years of age must come and renew their driver's license in person according to the old system. Due to inc reasing age, eyesight values ??may change. which requires in-depth testing As for promoting the use of clean energy vehicles in the long term, the Department has now drafted a draft law. It is a proposal to amend the law in the long term. To encourage people to use more clean energy vehicles. It will calculate the car's annual tax rate based on the amount of carbon dioxide emitted. Originally calculated from the capacity of the car's cylinders and the weight of the car, in this new draft law The annual tax rate will be calculated based on the amount of carbon dioxide emissions. If released in large quantities, an annual tax rate is high. But if the carbon dioxide is released less, the annual fee will be less. Amending this law requires amending the Act which is the tax rate attached to the Act. This will reduce various taxes. More sustainable 'When asked about the drafting of this new law to promote clean energy. Will it result in less tax collection or will the income from tax collection be less? There may be consideration of canceling the tax reduction on old cars that was a law 30-40 years ago. In foreign countries, the older the car, the more taxes must be paid. But in Thailand, there may not be an annual tax discount for old cars. And the tax difference will be used to promote the use of clean energy vehicles instead. Cars that emit less carbon dioxide pay less annual tax. As for cars that emit a lot of carbon dioxide, they pay more expensive annual taxes. This structure has already been drafted into law. and is currently in the process of conducting a public hearing to listen to the public's opinions before submitting to the Ministry for approval within June and submitting to the Cabinet for further consideration,' said the Director-General of the Department of Land Transport. Mr. Weris Amrapal, Governor of the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT), revealed that the investment trend in Thailand is still going well. Recently, IEAT and LPP Industrial Company Estate Company Limited has signed a joi nt operating agreement. Establishment of LPP Nakhon Sawan Industrial Estate, which is the 69th industrial estate under the supervision of IEAT. LPP Nakhon Sawan Industrial Estate will be a fully integrated agricultural and food industrial estate, which will be a Smart Agriculture Industrial Estate with project value. 800-900 million baht, project area approximately 673 rai, expected to begin operations in 2026, which will create investment value in the country of more than 18,200 million baht and create employment for 4,554 people. As for the overall picture of investment by foreign investors It is found that now more and more Chinese investors are coming to invest in Thailand. Especially in private industrial estates, we are currently in the process of collecting investment value figures. It is expected that next month we will have all the numbers. As for Japanese investors, it is still close to the original. However, during this time some businesses have moved their production bases. This must be accepted as following industrial market mechanisms. As for the news that more investors are turning to invest in neighboring countries, Recently, I learned that he is still interested in investing in our house as well, so we will have to wait and hear for a while. It would probably be more clear. However, the reason why China came to invest in Thailand This is partly because our EV promotion policies have worked so well. Now his supply chain is starting to arrive. Including EV battery At the same time, the issue of economic competition The international politics that have occurred have also been an impetus for investors, whether they be China, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, to find areas to set up production bases that are safe and will not be affected. As for the issue of minimum wages, I consider that it is not the main factor affecting investors' decisions. The main factor is probably more about infrastructure. 'As for the closure of car factories in Thailand after sales dropped, I think the government also needs to look at this point. and must consider if we still want to be If the "Detroit of Asia" exists, it must support the competitiveness of automakers that may not directly support combustion vehicles. But it is to support hybrid cars. During the preparation period for the transition to a new form of energy to be able to compete with EV or not? This is something the government must consider. For example, there may be a tax policy to support hybrid cars. which will still be able to maintain the production base and supply chain of the automobile industry,' Mr. Wiris said. Source: Thai News Agency