Troubled by broken gravel road for nearly 40 years, begging for help in repairing it.

Nong Bua Lamphu, Nong Bua Lamphu villagers Shoot clips for the media After being in serious trouble The dirt road is broken and has potholes. Having suffered for nearly 40 years, begging relevant agencies for help. Nong Tae villagers, Kut Dinchi Subdistrict, Na Klang District, Nong Bua Lamphu Province Complaint through the mass media Gathered together to go to the area After being in serious trouble from using the Ban Nong Tae route Go to Ban Yang Luang, Kut Chik Subdistrict, Mueang Nong Bua Lamphu District. The distance is about 2 kilometers. The dirt road is in a broken condition, full of potholes. Especially when it rains There will be flooding and slippery roads, making traveling difficult for many years. One of the villagers who uses this route said that they have been in trouble for over 40 years. This road has not been developed. Looking around, it is in the condition as seen. When it rains, the road is slippery. To avoid this hole, you have to fall into another hole. When it is not raining. In the f all, the road is dry and when passing by, dust will spread into the houses on the side of the road. causing serious suffering to the villagers You have to breathe in the dust. Sometimes they can hardly breathe. When they are sick, it is difficult for the elderly to go to the hospital. A pregnant woman almost gave birth on the way. A novice monk slips and falls while receiving alms. school children going to school Sometimes you fall and stain your clothes. I didn't go to school that day. There have been many accidents. Moreover, more people use this road. Because it is a shortcut route into Nong Bua Lamphu Province. Therefore, we would like the relevant agencies to rush to provide assistance. Source: Thai News Agency