Turn on the air conditioner at 27 degrees Celsius – turn on the fan. Really helps save electricity.

Bangkok, The Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency (DEPA) unites the voices of academics. Clarifying the case of the post that turned on the air conditioner at 27 degrees and turned on the fan and the electricity bill increased. Points out that it is not reasonable and lacks information on other variables. Confirm turning on the air conditioner at 27 degrees with the fan on. Helps save on electricity costs more than turning on the air conditioner at 25 degrees. Mr. Watthanaphong Kurovat, Director-General of the Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency, revealed that according to the trend in social media posts about 'The theory is to turn on the air conditioner at 27 degrees and then turn on the fan. It will help reduce the electricity bill in half, is that true?' by stating that by turning on the air conditioner at 27 degrees and turning on the fan, the electricity bill will increase from 1,000 units to 1,200 units, an increase from 3 fans. In this case, it may be c aused by many factors that do not exist. The information is sufficient to analyze which electrical appliances the increased amount of electricity comes from. Behavior of using electrical appliances with other electrical appliances Has there been any change or not? If the electricity usage behavior does not change, it can be analyzed as a constant value. and variables that change This is caused by setting the temperature at 27 degrees and then turning on the fan to help. Therefore, it will be possible to analyze whether the electricity cost has increased or decreased. In the case where electricity usage behavior does not change Setting the temperature to 27 degrees Celsius still has other variables. that can cause the amount of electricity to be used to increase, such as weather conditions that are hotter than previous months with a high outside temperature The operation of the air conditioner will use more electricity to work. Or from the cause of electrical appliances that work automatically being defective and working all the time. In the case of turning on the fan and turning on the air conditioner, the electricity bill increases. Generally, the home uses a 16-inch fan. When turned on at the highest speed, number 3, the maximum power will not exceed 80 watts. And if turned on all the time for the whole month, the electric power will be used equal to 80/1000 x 24 x 30 = 57.60 units/month/each. If you turn on 3 fans, you will use 172.80 units of electricity/month. The electricity cost is approximately 5 baht/unit. The electricity cost for turning on 3 fans is equal to 864 baht. Therefore, in the case of claiming that electricity has increased from 1,000 units/month to 1,200 units/ month, therefore it is an unreasonable statement. Due to actual use, the fan may not be turned on all the time without turning it off for a break. And if it were actually opened, the electricity consumption could not be increased to 200 units/month as claimed. according to academic principles and practical possibilities Turning on the fan to help circulate the air and turning on the air conditioner with the temperature set at 27 degrees will reduce the electrical energy used by approximately 10-30%, depending on other environmental factors as well, such as the ambient temperature at the time of activation. Air conditioners, cleaning air conditioners, etc., etc. In summary, the claim is that Theory: turn on the air conditioner at 27 degrees and then turn on the fan. Electricity costs increased from 1,000 units/month to 1,200 units/month due to turning on 3 fans, an unreasonable claim. There is no other supporting information. It is sufficient to prove as a fact what the cause of the increased electricity cost is. Consistent with the opinion of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jesada Denduangboriphan. Lecturer, Department of Biology Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University that has given information that 'The girl's electricity bill has increased. It may depend on many factors in the use of other electrical appliances in the home, but from the measurem ent results, it has been found that turning on the air conditioner at 27 degrees Celsius can actually reduce electricity costs by approximately 20-50%. The important point to think about is Clip of the said experiment There are no details. So that the experiment was done for one month. What factors were controlled? Especially regarding electricity use Whether from air conditioners, fans, as well as other electrical appliances in the house, keep them the same throughout the 2 months that are compared. When looking back at the clip that tells how to turn on the air conditioner. Resulting in an increase in electricity use of up to 200 units, which is up to 20% higher than before. It is very suspicious that air conditioners and other electrical appliances are actually being used. Harder than before Or not? To have had more units of electricity used that much In summary, the experiment in the shared clip Still not very reliable Because there is no information on controlling various variables. and also believe tha t turning on the air conditioner at 27 degrees and turning on the fan to blow one's body Helps to save on electricity bills. More than turning on the air conditioner at 25 degrees Celsius, it shouldn't cause much more power consumption. As in the clip,' said Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jesada (read more information at https://www.facebook.com/share/p/6D6G1xPsibWs1NDJ/ ) Mr. Watthanaphong and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jesada also advised the public on how to use air conditioners to be efficient and save energy, such as adjusting the air conditioner to 27 degrees with the fan on, cleaning the air conditioner at least twice a year, and air conditioning. Inverter type will help save more electricity. And if you want to reduce your electricity bill Also reduce the use of other electrical appliances. that are not necessary together with And if you do it regularly, it can really help reduce your electricity bill. Source: Thai News Agency