Two mothers complain that they were tricked out of 1.5 million baht by an insurance woman.

Bangkok, Two mothers and children cry out that Saimai must survive. Got caught by an insurance company girl Fraudulently took more than 1.5 million baht of insurance money and lived a luxurious life. Have a good reputation in society Two mothers and children went to ask for help with the Saimai must survive page. After being deceived by an insurance company woman out of more than 1.5 million baht in insurance money, the victim said that her ex-husband had life insurance with a private life insurance company. After her death, Ms. Pat, a representative of the insurance company, contacted her. Ready to offer to take care of the documents and taking care of various errands Later, Ms. Pat and the victim Cash the check and made an offer for the injured person to get insurance with an annual payment of 250,00 baht per year along with a request to open a joint account with trust The victim then agreed and deposited 1.5 million baht into a joint account. Later, they contacted him. to spend 700,000 baht, but Ms. Pat appeared as if she would not give the money. and also challenged to report Therefore, she is worried that she will not receive justice because Ms. Pat lives a luxurious life. Have a good reputation in society It is feared that the case will not progress. So he came to ask for help from the Saimai must survive page. Source: Thai News Agency