Upgrading Transparency Performance by Bangkok’s District Offices

District offices in Bangkok are developing and upgrading their transparency performance in providing services to the general public through the use of the Integrity and Transparency Assessment (ITA) mechanism.

They joined the Office of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) in organizing a seminar, known as the online “ITA BKK Retreat,” on 3 August 2021 in order to develop and upgrade their transparency performance.

The seminar, held in the form of a Zoom meeting, was attended by executives of the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA), directors of district offices, and officials from all 50 district offices in Bangkok.

It focused on the theme “Excellence and Effective Japanese Service Style: A Case Study to Enhance ITA.” In this theme, Japan’s concepts and innovations in developing integrity and transparency have been adopted for operations in the public sector.

The 50 district offices, under the supervision of BMA, looked into this case study for conducting their ITA and improving their services. The participants in the seminar also learned about a new working-style design and the development of e-service, in response to the needs of the people.

In the 2020 fiscal year, the BMA earned a score of 91.48 out of 100 in the ITA. A total of 8,303 state organizations took part in the ITA program in the 2020 fiscal year. Their average score was 67.9, slightly higher than that of 2019.

The ITA program was developed by the NACC from various operating standards to prevent corruption and promote good governance.


Source: The Government Public Relations Department

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