Urge the government and relevant agencies to explain Thaksin’s illness.

Parliament, "Chaithawat" supports "Thaksin" to receive bail rights. while others in the case 112 should have the same rights. Urge the government and relevant agencies to explain Thaksin's illness. He is collecting issues to interrogate the government. Mr. Chaithawat Tulathon, Leader of the Opposition in the House of Representatives Referring to the case of Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra, former Prime Minister, being temporarily released. After the prosecutor has not yet filed a case under Section 112 of the Criminal Code and believes that Mr. Thaksin's condition is in a critical stage, Illness was not the main reason Thaksin was released on bail. But it is basically bail. The Progressive Party supports everyone to receive rights in the justice system. Therefore, they should be treated equally. and is general to everyone. Including everyone accused of an offense under Section 112 of the Criminal Code. 'Prosecutors are not the ones with the authority to decide on the illness for which a sentence has been suspended. But the important reason is Mr. Thaksin. Are there medical reasons for receiving a suspended sentence? which those involved Both the Minister of Justice, doctors, and the Department of Corrections, as well as those involved, should come out and reveal information about how Mr. Thaksin received his rights. Or if the doctor refuses to come out and reveal it, the government, corrections, and related ministers And the family should come out and open the medical documents. If you are confident that the process that is taking place is legal,' the opposition leader said. Mr. Chaithawat said that yesterday (19 Feb.) Mr. Phumtham Wechayachai, Deputy Prime Minister, stated that Mr. Thaksin There is inflammation in the shoulder. If the government clearly communicates Society will lose its doubts. Because this matter reinforces the feelings of Thai people. There is discrimination where some people use the legal process in a privileged way. Therefore, restoring justice to Mr. Thaksin should not be reinforced by a double- standard justice process. As for the appropriateness of the government inviting Mr. Thaksin Become a consultant The opposition leader said that it depends on the government's judgment. Because Mr. Thaksin has the right to express public opinion like the general public. It cannot be denied that Mr. Thaksin's role is important to the government. But the opposition monitors whether the various discretionary processes follow the process or not. When asked about the case of Mr. Thaksin Will it have enough weight to cause the opposition to bring it to a discussion of no confidence or not? Mr. Chaithawat said it depends on the facts. which the opposition still follows and would like to gather the facts that happened first It has not yet been confirmed the time frame for filing the request to open the no-confidence debate, whether it will be at the end of March or the beginning of April. Leader of the opposition As the leader of the progressive party Explaining the work of the Move Forward Party, which has been cr iticized for not investigating Mr. Thaksin's case as intensively as other matters, he said that he would like to wait and follow up. Such matters occur no matter what. The audit department must carry out along with pushing for amnesty Mr. Chaithawat discussed the progress in organizing traveling opposition activities that The opposition coalition has agreed to hold a traveling opposition forum once a month. Starting from March 1, with the first stadium in Chiang Mai province. It was an opening forum to discuss the problem of PM 2.5 dust, including the problem of forest fire prevention with the public sector, which Mr. Pitha Limjaroenrat List of MPs Didn't join this stage either. As for the second and third trips, they may continue to provinces in the south or northeast. As for the progress of the launch of the candidates for president of the Provincial Administrative Organization. or the Provincial Administrative Organization president and members of the Provincial Administrative Organization or Provincial Administrative Organization, Mr. Chaithawat said that he would like to wait to follow up with Mr. Pitha who will be visiting Phuket province at the end of this week. and will launch the Phuket Provincial Administrative Organization president as a soft launch, while other provinces are in the process of preparing. It has not yet been confirmed that Ms. Tasanee Buranupakorn, former Chiang Mai MP. Pheu Thai Party will move to Kao Kai Party to run for president. Chiang Mai Provincial Administrative Organization or not. Source: Thai News Agency