Urge the police commander to repent of his rights, the police will recover the cooperative.

"Wirot" reveals fraudulent use of loan rights to the Lamphun Police Cooperative, causing hundreds of losses, urges the police commander to solve the problem, believing that senior police officers are behind it.

Mr. Wirot Lakkhanaadisorn, MP for the Kao Klai Party, along with Mr. Witwisit Pansuanpook, MP for Lamphun, made a statement on the issue of welfare of police in Lamphun Province who have suffered from problems with the savings cooperative case, saying that in the case There are at least 423 victims, most of whom are junior and non-commissioned police officers. The damage was not less than 220 million baht. MPs from the local party received complaints that they were members of a savings cooperative and took out a debt of 400,000 baht. Why did the debt grow into the millions? Some people have never taken out a loan and have their names become borrowers.

“Many police officers are nearing retirement age. Morale and morale are waning. Hopefully the new Royal Thai Police Commissioner will provide assistance to the police. The matter was reported in February 2023, and the cooperative committee is a high-ranking police officer. Therefore, it is not certain whether the victims will receive justice or not. And must I fall into debt that I did not incur? I would like to ask the new Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Thai Police to be serious about solving the problem. In order to give gifts to subordinates all over the country. I think it will take no more than 2 weeks to know the results,” Mr. Wirot said.

Mr. Wirot believes that such corruption does not only occur in Lamphun Province, but that the corrupt may be linked to senior police officers. If the Police Commander pays attention to this matter, he will win the hearts of his subordinates. that there is dedication to solving problems for the people Including the view that deliberately selecting victims who are retiring is considered cruel. Because the victim is at an age where he or she may not be comfortable using the app. To check your own debt balance

“This case is about the police cutting off the police. I would like to ask the police commander if he cheated even his fellow police officers. So what can the people rely on? Ready to reveal that only 16 million baht has been seized in the past from officials who committed corruption, even though the damage value was more than 220 million baht. Please don't wait for MPs to move forward. Police commanders can investigate immediately." Mr. Wirot said

While Mr. Witwisit said that 423 police officers are members of the cooperative. Rights were stolen and documents were forged. By crossing out the original debt. Change balance Then forge the signature over it. Making the total debt from 4 hundred thousand baht to 780 thousand baht, even though when checking the actual loan in the statement, there was only 4 hundred thousand baht, having reported the matter since February, 9 months ago, there has been no progress. It was also found that the cooperative directors were their own supervisors.

“The evidence received will be divided into two sets, one set will be sent to the Speaker of the House. Let the police follow up on this matter. and the other part is sent to the Chairman of the Police Commission. House of Representatives In hopes of returning justice to the victims,” Mr. Witwisit Said. - Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency