“Uttama” points out the duties of the government Build confidence in giving out money

Bangkok, "Uttama" former Finance Minister points out that it is the duty of the government. Building confidence in giving out digital money wallets Mr. Uttama Savanayana, Chairman of the Policy and Reform Committee for Sustainable National Development, Democrat Party, as former Minister of Finance. Gave an interview after participating in an academic seminar "Turning the corner on thinking about finances and finances" In the event that society still doesn't see the clarity of the government's 10,000 baht digital wallet project, what will be the way to proceed? We must give the government time to act. To see what the guidelines and policies will be. And as far as following the news from the media, there has not yet been a resolution. But he sees it as a good thing that the government is open to listening to opinions from all sides. Because such a large project may take time to complete. So we have to wait and see under what conditions it will come out. Now there are ideas from some parties who are worried th at there will be problems. As for the support department, there is Therefore, it is the duty of the government to make legal provisions for this project to move forward within the legal framework. The reporter asked about his personal interpretation of the word crisis. As to how this matter must be handled, Mr. Uttama said it depends on each person's perspective to interpret. He probably won't be able to judge. But from the current situation The growth numbers of the Thai economy are actually expanding. But it is progressing slowly compared to neighboring countries. But the government should build confidence among foreign countries. Confident that the recovery of the Thai economy will actually happen. By enabling the government's already issued policies to answer this question. and allow the economy to expand at the level it should be. Source: Thai News Agency