Uttaradit officer Raids and arrests monks taking drugs in their cloisters

Uttaradit, Officials mobilized from many sectors. A raid on temples and monasteries in Uttaradit Province found four monks peeing purple and methamphetamine in their cloisters. Today (26 March 2024) Uttaradit Province mobilizes officials from many relevant sectors. Opening a random operation to detect drugs in the urine of monks. both in temples and monasteries According to the White Temple Project of Uttaradit Province and Re-X-ray measures according to the government's urgent policy (Quick win) to reduce the severity of the drug problem within 1 year. This operation deployed forces to the area at the same time, such as Lablae District, Mr. Phuriwat Chotinopparat, the district chief, led security forces to inspect temples and monasteries in the area. When we arrived, we asked for cooperation from the abbot of the temple. To check for drugs on monks, students, and temple children. Preliminary drug testing of monks at 1 temple and 1 monastery revealed that 3 monks and 1 monk's student were found with purple urine. Reporters reported that While going to search inside the cubicle It was noticed that a monk had thrown some items into a pile of garbage in front of the monastery. The officials then went to investigate. It was found to be 2 methamphetamine pills. The monk confessed that he had bought them for 50 baht each to use. The officers then detained him and went on leave. and send investigators to Laplae Police Station to prosecute Summary of the results of the Kick off operation at White Temple, Uttaradit Province, in Mueang District and Laplae District, randomly tested for drugs in the urine of monks in temples and monks' residences. A total of 5 locations, including 27 monks, found drugs. in the urine (Methamphatamine type) in 4 monks, they were immediately put on leave. As for one monk's student who found purple urine They coordinated sending him to undergo screening and enter the treatment process. Source: Thai News Agency