Vietnam gives green light to import cattle and buffalo from Thailand

Bangkok: Chaiya' announces good news: 'Vietnam opens the market for importing cattle and buffalo from Thailand. After pushing to export cattle by boat for the first time Piloting 23 Thai farms Mr. Chaiya Promma, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives Discussing the progress in the case of Thailand preparing to send live cattle to Vietnam by boat for the first time, he said that the Department of Livestock Development has received a preliminary report from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Regarding the results of considering the export of buffalo cattle from Thailand to Vietnam by sea transport. The Vietnam Department of Animal Health (DAH) allows Thailand to export cattle and buffalo by sea, which must be exported from Thai ports that have been inspected for pathogens and strictly controlled before export. Ready to certify 3 more cattle and buffalo farms free from foot and mouth disease, including Chucheep Farm, Khiaokham Trading 2019 and Adisorn Farm 88 In total, there are currently 23 farms that a re registered for export to Vietnam certified. Documents are currently being processed between Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Department of Livestock Development Mr. Chaiya said This is good news for cattle and buffalo farmers. It expands the market for export and creates income for farmers. He has always tried to push this issue. In addition, he has also assigned the Department of Livestock Development to use the department's food production center as a production base for animal feed for distribution to agricultural cooperative groups, including beef cattle, dairy cows, and pigs, in order to reduce animal feed costs for farmers. and accelerate the development of animal disease vaccine production plants to have efficiency that meets international standards and be able to export vaccines to neighboring countries. Including providing a market to support the increased quantity of cattle. especially community slaughterhouses Slaughterhouse for export according to international standards To support the beef cat tle market both live cattle and slaughtered cattle products Especially the big market is China. Middle Eastern countries and Vietnam with high purchasing power It creates income for the country and increases the value of Thai livestock products Source: Thai News Agency