‘Vorawat’ pointed out that the chairman of the council must negotiate to get cooperation from all parties.

Bangkok, June 24-'Vorawat' indicates the qualifications of the council president. is to negotiate to obtain cooperation from all parties The big goal is to get people to get the prime minister from the democratic side. point out, do not cling to which party it belongs to

On June 24, Mr. Worawat Auapinyakul, Pheu Thai Party MP for Phrae, gave an interview on the case of the Speaker of the House. that the president of the council must be a person with high prestige can compromise And when the Speaker of the House sits as the Head of State and performs duties in both Houses, he must be able to clarify and persuade the need for everyone to vote for the Prime Minister from the democratic side according to the needs of the people. The Speaker of the House does not need to be from any political party. but must be a person who can talk to all parties in order to achieve the needs of the people's brothers and sisters This is more important because this is the success of the Democratic Party.

Mr. Worawat said that we should not look at which party the Speaker of the House belongs to. Which party should you work for? But the chairman of the council must be a neutral person between all parties. Both the House of Representatives and the Senate, we need people who are flexible, compromising, and use reason to talk to all parties about the country's situation. Today, we have to do everything to make the people's wishes finally fulfilled regardless of which political party the Speaker of the House belongs to.

When asked if the Pheu Thai Party was concerned about asking for a vote from Mr. Worawat said that we need to see which party has personnel that can perform this duty until it is accomplished. Because this success is not just sitting in the chairmanship of the council. But must achieve results in negotiations with all parties to get the prime minister from the democratic side. The results here are different. Therefore, he said not to look at whether it must be that person or this person. But one should look at who can accomplish this task for the common success of the Democratic Party. Because I have to say that the position of Speaker of the Council is not the head of the position. The prime minister can order the cabinet, but the legislative head cannot order anyone. You cannot penalize or dismiss anyone from your position. Therefore, the main function of the head of the legislative branch is Acting impartially for everyone to trust and accept because we will have to work together in the House of Representatives in the long term.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency