Waiting for the verdict of the case to dissolve the Move Forward Party – Police are maintaining tight security to maintain peace and order

Constitutional Court, As the Constitutional Court approaches its sitting to read its verdict in the Move Forward Party dissolution case, groups of people have begun to arrive to give their support and listen to the verdict, under the protection of police. The Constitutional Court judges began their meeting at 9:30 a.m. to present their individual rulings, discuss, and vote on the petition filed by the Election Commission, requesting the Constitutional Court to consider and rule on the dissolution of the Move Forward Party and the disqualification of the party's executive committee for 10 years, according to the petition. As it neared 3:00 p.m., when the Constitutional Court judges were due to sit on the bench to read their verdict, a crowd of people entered the area inside the building's lobby. However, officers invited them to leave the area under the security and order of the Metropolitan Police Division 2, both uniformed and plainclothes, totaling 2 companies. Meanwhile, a group of the People's Democra tic Reform Committee (PDRC) led by Mr. Anon Klin-kaew also traveled to hear the verdict today, but the police did not allow them to enter the building, so they had to camp outside the building. For supporters who want to support or give encouragement, and any group, officials have arranged an area in front of the building as a tracking point, including a point where the media can wait to interview people, which is also outside the building. As for the media that is allowed to enter the court area, they must report their names and exchange cards, as the court has declared it an area under its jurisdiction. It was reported that at 2:00 p.m., the opposing party in the case, Mr. Pita Limjaroenrat, advisor to the leader of the Move Forward Party, as the defendant, and most recently, Pol. Lt. Col. Nattawat Sengiamsak, deputy secretary-general of the Election Commission, arrived at the court before exchanging their cards to sit and listen to the reading of the verdict in the courtroom. Source: Thai News Agency