“Warawut” asked the MSD to collect information and send it to psychologists to evaluate the development of “Nong Nice”

Bangkok, Minister Warawut stated that the MSDHS places importance on the welfare and rights of children. Assign officials to collect various information. related to "Nong Nice Chuamjit" sent to the psychologist at the hospital. Surat Thani, including the Institute for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Assessment Ask adults to cooperate with officials. along with emphasizing that the MSD officials Proceed according to the Act. Protect children carefully because it is a sensitive matter. Mr. Warawut Silpa-archa, Minister of Social Development and Human Security (Ministry of Social Development and Human Security), said that MSDHS officials have been assigned in the area to collect information and various details related to "Nong Nice Chuamjit" including clips that appear in various media to send to a psychologist at Surat Thani Hospital as well as the Institute for Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Department of Mental Health, Ministry of Public Health, to assess the development and welfare of children, whi ch is an issue that the MSDHS give importance The initial thing that needs to be assessed is the psychological aspect, whether there are any problems or not. If both physical and mental health The next step must be to consider the elements related to the child. What issues need to be clarified for society? Ask adults to cooperate with officials from both the Ministry of Education and Human Services. Ministry of Public Health National Office of Buddhism and various agencies Related parties confirm that every agency has no intention of finding fault. By aiming to provide fairness to all parties For the dimension at the Ministry of Secondary Education. The most important thing is Caring for and protecting children's rights Considering taking care of children to have good physical and mental welfare. As a child should receive, for example get an education Promote development according to age In addition, you must see that There was no harm, force, or deception. When the results of the evaluation from the psych ologists together with the multidisciplinary team have been released, if it is determined that action must be taken in accordance with the Child Protection Act 2003, the Ministry of Secondary Education will coordinate with the Surat Thani Governor because the law cannot be taken. You can do it yourself. Must coordinate with the government and various agencies in the area. Mr. Warawut reiterated that Matters related to the human mind It is a sensitive matter, so I have instructed the MSD officials. that we proceed with caution You must study all relevant regulations and laws. If you still have any doubts Consult an expert because if you decide to act rashly and found out the truth later that It's not what was said or done. It will result in problems for both the officials and the agency. Therefore, do it slowly but confidently. It will be safer and you will not miss out on important matters. Source: Thai News Agency