“Warawut” thanks all units for taking “Plaisak Surin” returned home safely

Chiang Mai, July 2 – "Warawut" thank you to all agencies that took elephants. "Plaisak Surin" returned home safely. Aiming to open to the public to visit Plaisak Surin

At 2:03 p.m. today (July 2, 2023), an Ilyushin IL-76 aircraft (Ilyushin IL-76) flying from Colombo Airport Sri Lanka brought the elephant "Plaisak Surin" to Chiang Mai International Airport. with Mr. Warawut Silpa-archa, Minister of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE) together with relevant officials Waiting to welcome you at the warehouse building. Chiang Mai International Airport as soon as "Plaisak Surin" arrives, the people who come to welcome them see the images from the screens that the staff have set up for viewing. They all cheered with joy. "Plaisak Surin" arrived at his hometown safely. Some even couldn't hold back their tears.

Mr. Warawut revealed that from a preliminary health check by a team of veterinarians, it was found that Plaisak Surin Completely ready to travel to the National Institute of Mental Health. In the royal patronage of Lampang province, the procession is led by 2 police cars and another closure to avoid traffic jams and travel smoothly. It is estimated that it will take about 2 hours to reach the destination.

However, it took almost 2 hours for the plane to land at Chiang Mai Airport. for health check "Plaisak Surin" had to take a break to eat banana leaves and water. The staff must open the cabinet door. to inject water to relieve heat and drink water first Including bringing ice cubes in the cage. This helps keep the air inside the cage cooler. Due to the hot weather Before at 4:09 p.m., departing from Chiang Mai Airport to the National Institute of Mental Health In the patronage of Lampang Province, with people of all genders and ages waiting to welcome "Plaisak Surin" at the airport a lot

Mr. Warawut announced after "Plaisak Surin" left Chiang Mai International Airport that he thanked all sectors for helping. Which Plaisak Surin seems to know that he has returned to Thailand. Good cooperation since being in Sri Lanka. The National Institute of Agriculture, Lampang Province, must be quarantined for 1 month before starting treatment. Initially, it was assessed and treated only externally. Still do not know well what is wrong with the interior of Chang Plaisak Surin?

As for whether Plaisak Surin will be sent back to Sri Lanka or not. After the treatment, Mr. Warawut said it was too early to say now. Let's not mention Now the important thing is to heal Plaisak Surin first. Because today I still don't know how Plaisak Surin has symptoms. I saw only external injuries. I can't tell you about the inside.

Mr. Warawut thanked all 4 elephant mahouts from Sri Lanka. and the two veterinary teams on board who takes good care of Plaisak Surin The captain reported that There was no worrying event. after getting off the machine Plaisak Surin is thirsty. therefore consuming a lot of water Water is sprayed into the cage. to lower the temperature It's a good sign that you want to drink water. drink plenty of water

The part that has a lot of Plaisak Surin fans now Will the future be open for visitors as well? Mr. Warawut said that it was possible. but will visit in any way Must discuss with the authorities first, but admitted that Plaisak Surin is of interest to the public. We must give everyone the opportunity to appreciate and encourage them as well.

When asked about the condition of the other two elephants still in Sri Lanka, Mr. Warawut said that both ropes were from the coordination and Ms. Kanjana Silpa-archa, adviser to the National Defense Force, had gone to see them, including from incoming reports You can still trust that you are still healthy. no injuries But for the sake of precaution, I would like to inform that if any people have information or have any concerns Please notify the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I will ask the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to investigate further.

Asked if there was an attempt to conceal the whereabouts and the condition of the remaining two elephants, Mr Warawut said that it would be a matter to inquire into Sri Lanka. As for the budget used in this transport At about 19 million baht, most of which is transportation costs. Because it is a commercial aircraft that is expected to be the world's largest. So it takes some money and time.

When asked whether elephants would be sent as goodwill ambassadors to other countries, Mr Warawut confirmed that they would no longer be sent anywhere.

for the history of "Plaisak Surin", the Thai government delivered to Sri Lanka. to be a goodwill ambassador in 2001, along with "Plai Srinarong" as requested by Sri Lanka in order to practice using in summoning the Buddha's relics in the Parade of Phra That Khew Kaew which is Sri Lanka's biggest annual event Which has been held continuously for more than 270 years by "Plai Sak Surin" is the third elephant that Thailand sent to Sri Lanka as goodwill ambassadors after "Plai Pratu Pha", the first rope in 1980

In this regard, "Plaisak Surin" is an elephant with a distinctive look that meets the needs of Sri Lanka. to be used in the Parade of Phra That Khew Kaew which after being sent to Sri Lanka The Sri Lankan government has transferred ownership of this elephant to "Kande Vihara Temple" (Kande Vihara) is the successor to take care of In order to serve in the procession of inviting the relics in Sri Lanka's annual relics parade, which averages 30 times / year, later in the year 2022 there were complaints and inspections found that "Plaisak Surin" was heavily used. and have poor living conditions Including requiring urgent medical treatment. This led to the process of helping and finally bringing him back to Thailand for treatment.

National Institute of Human Services under the patronage of (Thai Elephant Conservation Center), Lampang Province, informed through the page that Asking for the cooperation of all citizens and media who want to travel to welcome "Plaisak Surin" who traveled from Sri Lanka. On Sunday, July 2, 2023, it takes about 6 hours to travel under close supervision from many agencies. including veterinarians and mahouts for elephants to rest after traveling and took time to restore health as well as having the opportunity to become acquainted with Thai mahouts, Thai language, and adjust to the environment that has been gone for decades. Therefore requesting cooperation to the public and all media who care about elephants. and follow the journey of "Plaisak Surin" at the Galyani Vadhana Karoon Building national municipal institute under the patronage of (Thai Elephant Conservation Center), Hang Chat District, Lampang Province, with CCTV installed. in order to follow through those channels

"Plaisak Surin" will live in a surveillance area. And observe the symptoms for at least 30 days under the animal epidemic control regulations of the Department of Livestock Development in order to prevent certain types of contagious diseases. under the patronage of has organized a live broadcast via a fan page Thai Elephant Conservation Center, Lampang Province The Thai Elephant Conservation Center Lampang (https://www.facebook.com/elephantcenter/) and produce video clips To present the story of Plaisak Surin's care throughout the period of 30 days and after this period, Plaisak Surin will rest and get acquainted with the new place. as well as receiving care until they are in good health therefore would like to invite all elephant lovers to visit Plaisak Surin as announced again. – Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency