Warning employers – foreign workers renewal of the last day of labor permits

House of Representatives, May 15 - "Tiphanan" warns employers - foreign workers Today is the last day to apply for a foreign worker's permit. Concerned about the impact of labor shortages impact on the economy

Ms. Tipanan Sirichana, Deputy Spokesperson of the Prime Minister's Office warning employers and foreign workers Hurry up to apply for a renewal of a work permit and pay the fee in full by May 15, 2023, this is the last day. According to the Cabinet resolution on February 7, 2023 requiring aliens to apply for a work permit renewal. within the 13th February 2023 which the alien has applied for a renewal of a work permit and has already paid the fee Number 1,873,798 people, but there are still a number of people who have not yet submitted complete documents. When the process is completed by May 15, 2023, the registrar will accelerate the consideration of renewing work permits for foreigners to be completed no later than the 30th day. May 2023 in order to have the right to work until February 13, 2024 or February 13, 2025 according to each case.

However, with concerns that enterprises will experience a shortage of workers and disrupt business. Affecting economic growth, so if the specified period has passed. not complete If the Department of Employment finds aliens working without a work permit Both Thai employers and foreign workers must be prosecuted and strictly enforced. For foreigners who work without a work permit or work other than those who have the right to do so There is a fine ranging from 5,000 – 50,000 baht and being sent back to the country of origin. Including not applying for a work permit for 2 years from the date of punishment As for employers who accept foreigners, they do not have a work permit to work or allow foreigners to work beyond their right to do so. There is a penalty of a fine of 10,000 – 100,000 baht per foreigner employed, in case of repeat offenders, imprisonment of not more than 1 year or a fine of 50,000 – 200, 000 baht per foreigner employed or both And the employer is prohibited from hiring foreigners to work for 3 years from the date of the court's final judgment on punishment.

However, the establishment and foreign workers Those who want to ask for more information can contact the Provincial Employment Office in every province. Bangkok Employment Office Area 1-10 or at the Ministry of Labor hotline 1506 press 2, Department of Employment. Or the Department of Employment hotline, call 1694.

“Gen. Prayut Chan-ocha, Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Accelerate the recovery of the country through the crisis. And the Thai economy is moving forward in an upward phase. As a result of the policy of opening the country that drives economic activities, trade and investment, the demand for labor is high. To support the economic growth and development of Thailand steadily. sustainable,” said the Deputy Spokesperson of the Prime Minister's Office.-

Source: Thai News Agency