Warning: if the “Thaksin model” is used, there will be a repeat of the crisis.

Parliament, Jurin, Democrat Party MP, points out that no one is stopping Yingluck from returning to Thailand, but because she is escaping the case. Confirming that when he comes back he must be punished, warning that if he uses the "Thaksin model" it will be the last straw. The crisis repeats itself. 'Amnesty at the end of the alley' Mr. Jurin Laksanawisit, list of MPs Democrat Party Referring to the case where it was reported that Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra, former Prime Minister, will return to Thailand. They may use special methods to avoid imprisonment, saying that no one will prevent Ms. Yingluck from returning to Thailand. You can go back already. but must enter the justice process which did not return because he fled the case It's not because someone won't let them go back or Thailand won't let them go back. 'It is up to Ms. Yingluck to decide what she will do. However, I would like to warn that whatever she does, If it's incorrect You have to be considerate of the people. Because the principles of the country's laws still exist. If you make a mistake, you must be held accountable. If it's right, you have to accept it. Don't destroy and trample on existing principles. Otherwise, one day it will come back. Therefore, I would like to warn you that I do not have any bias at all. As for the case of Ms. Yingluck, she was released from many cases. Is it a way to pave the way back to Thailand? Mr. Jurin said that if you want to go back, you don't have to pave the way. Because you can go back. But the cases are still pending and the sentences decided by the Court of Justice still remain. It must be said that way. It is best for the future of the country and the future of all parties. Including the future of Ms. Yingluck herself. As for if he returns, will he be able to use the Thaksin model? Mr. Jurin said: Don't destroy the justice process again. It will soon become "The last straw" is something that the people feel a lot and are watching. Don't think that if people don't speak, they won't feel or they won't fee l pain. 'The country can survive with a strong rule of law like the Prime Minister said, but the Prime Minister didn't do it. The country can survive. Right must be right. Wrong must be wrong. If wrong is right, how will we live together? Because it will be equal to promoting wrongdoing. So how will the country move forward? This is something that we need to be aware of and help create. which Ms. Yingluck herself had to help build as well,' Mr. Jurin said. When asked if there was an analysis that Ms. Yingluck's conditions were not the same as those of Thaksin Shinawatra and did not meet the conditions of the Department of Corrections. May use other methods to help. Mr. Jurin said that if there is corruption or neglect, there will be corruption. Or narrowing one eye to be dishonest would be a violation of Section 157 of the Criminal Code, which is no different. As for who will be responsible? I think the government is responsible. which he has never criticized other than the government Because it is the oppo sition, its duty is to check the government. These things cannot happen. If the government doesn't understand All of which must be counted by the government. When asked about the case of facilitating Mr. Thaksin from going to prison. Will it be a matter of no-confidence debate or general discussion? Mr. Jurin said that he would like to wait for the resolution of the opposition coalition party first. So you will decide which way to go. As for where there were reports that there was a deal or coordination. To pave the way for Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra and Ms. Yingluck returned from the beginning. Mr. Jurin said he did not know. He viewed the phenomenon as a citizen who loves justice. The same is true for many people in Thailand. He believes that he wants to see what is right and what is right. I want to see wrong as wrong. Because we have issued laws to clear up wrongdoing. And finally, the country was already severely damaged during the Emergency Amnesty Act. Let's not repeat it again. This is the heart of the matter. Source: Thai News Agency