Warning to be careful of conflict – amnesty law Must be clear first

Chusak" warns to go too far, be careful of conflict, emphasizes the draft amnesty act. Must be clear first Pheu Thai will present a pair of figures to move forward. Must discuss within the party first If the conflict can be ended, that's a good thing.

Mr. Chusak Sirinil, list MP, Pheu Thai Party, as acting leader of the Pheu Thai Party. Referring to the case where the party has progressed far Submit a draft amnesty bill to the Speaker of the House of Representatives yesterday (Oct. 5, 2023) that he should not allow the draft Amnesty Act It is a factor that creates conflict in society. Because of the problem of interpreting political cases or political expression is not yet clear, so it must be clear first Including amnesty coverage, such as crimes related to Section 112 of the Criminal Code or other political gathering cases. which should be crystallized together first

For the draft proposal Amnesty Act Of the Pheu Thai Party, Mr. Chusak stated whether it is appropriate to submit a draft law in parallel with the Kao Kao Party or not. The Pheu Thai Party has not yet held a meeting to discuss this matter. This is because opinions within the party still do not agree. However, the Amnesty Act The Pheu Thai Party has been a prisoner of society in the past. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss with the party first what action should be taken.

As for the case where the Kao Klai Party sees it as the first step in stopping legal war, Mr. Chusak said that in principle If the conflict can be ended It's considered a good thing. But the question that must be answered is whether it can really be ended or not. Or will it become an additional point of conflict? This matter must be carefully thought out

Source: Thai News Agency