“Wisanu” said the submarine has not surfaced yet, waiting at the Ministry of Defence.

Government House, "Wisanu" reveals that the submarine has not yet surfaced, it is still in the Ministry of Defense area, confirming that it has not reached anyone yet. Mr. Wissanu Krea-ngam, advisor to the Prime Minister, said about the case of the Prime Minister asking him to consider the submarine law that he is still waiting at the Ministry of Defense. When asked if the Council of State's interpretation of the law did not match, it might have to go to Mr. Wissanu because the generator is an important part of the submarine. If it is an important part, it must go to the Cabinet. Mr. Wissanu said that it has not reached anyone yet, and joked that the submarine has not surfaced yet. When asked again whether he would see a submarine, Mr. Wisanu said that he did not know yet. He did not know. Source: Thai News Agency