World Environment Day 67 campaign joins in fighting the drought crisis

Bangkok,, 'Pacharawat' awakens Thai people to show their strength. 'World Environment Day' asks to join together to 'revive the land Fighting the Drought Crisis' in order to pass on abundance to future generations. Pol. Gen. Patcharawat Wongsuwan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Natural Resources and Environment presided over the opening ceremony of activities on the occasion of 'World Environment Day' for the year 2024 is organized by the Department of Climate Change and Environment. with Mr. Pirun Saiyasitpanich Director-General of the Department of Climate Change and Environment welcomes Pol. Gen. Patcharawat said that everyone is probably aware of environmental problems and the effects of climate change. Both temperatures soared during the past April. Including the weather is dry. Increase the risk of forest fires That destroys forest areas and habitats for wild animals, as well as the problem of water shortages for consumption. Agricultural products are decreasing and of low quality. These affec t the quality of life of the people. Especially vulnerable groups This will be the first group affected. and from this environmental crisis that has occurred Every country has tried to encourage everyone to work together to change their way of life. In order to adjust to keep up with the problems, every year the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) has set the main idea for carrying out activities on World Environment Day. To communicate and raise environmental awareness in the same direction around the world. This year the main idea of ??the campaign is LAND RESTORATION, DESERTIFICATION and DROUGHT RESILIENCE, focusing on soil restoration. The complete transformation of the desert and recovery from drought under the slogan "Our land. Our future. We are #GenerationRestoration." Fighting the Drought Crisis' which is an important opportunity for us to show our strength and use our potential. Let's work together to restore and protect our land. To maintain the balance of the ecosystem which is the foundatio n for national development That will lead to a good quality of life. Moreover, as the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Thank you to all sectors that are committed to maintaining Restoring natural resources and the environment Let's work together in an integrated manner to solve problems related to land restoration, forest restoration, and drought prevention. Finally, on the occasion of World Environment Day this year. We therefore invite all Thai people. Let's work together to show our strength. 'Reviving the land Fighting the Drought Crisis' takes care of and preserves the natural resources and environment of this world to be sustainable. To pass on the fertile land to future generations. Ms.Marlene Nilsson, Deputy Director and Acting United Nations Environment Programme. Regional Asia Pacific Speech at the opening ceremony There was also a special lecture under the topic 'Reviving the land Fighting the Drought Crisis' consists of the issue 'Early Warning: Helping with the Drought-Flood Crisis' 'Water management through cooperation: the path to sustainability' 'Drought crisis: a silent danger affecting the economy, society and the environment' 'Landscape architecture and space design to connect to sustainability' and there is also Seminar Thailand's Success Model area by a group of highly qualified lecturers and specialists in various fields who came to transfer ideas to sustainable practice. This event is a carbon neutral event. By evaluating the amount of greenhouse gas emissions from organizing the event (preliminary), it was found that there was a total amount of greenhouse gas emissions of 4 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent. And there has been carbon credit compensation from the project: BSE-BPI Grid Connected Solar PV Project from BCPG Company Limited so that this event has net zero greenhouse gas emissions.? Source: Thai News Agency