Worried that the live broadcast of budget discussions in the committee would use the information inappropriately.

Parliament, "Bhoomtham" is afraid of live broadcasting the consideration of Budget 67 in the committee level. You may know the information first. Pretending to take advantage, believing that the committee is primarily using knowledge for the benefit of the country. Mr. Phumtham Wechayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce Mentioning that the first meeting of the Special Committee to consider the draft Budget Act for fiscal year 2024 was a discussion to appoint various positions. and determine guidelines for working together Making a budget after the first agenda has passed is considered to be considered as having been initially approved by the House in principle. From now on, it is a matter where every part must work together to make a budget. The people are the location. In order to manage various problems well, there shouldn't be any problems. Because everyone knows that we went through a crisis. And now we want to solve crises. and believe that everyone will make an effort and use existing knowledge to help allocate budgets as appropriate To be in accordance with the current government policy. As for the opposition wanting the committee's budget consideration to be broadcast live, Mr. Phumtham said it depends on the committee's meeting. Because some matters cannot be discussed in public immediately. Because it will affect the use of the budget, there may be a loss to stakeholders, for example, it may be used as information to evaluate spending. 'He thought that basically it was already revealed. and think that the interests of the nation must be the focus And we have to see what can be revealed and then we'll talk about it. But in general, budgeting must be clear first. It's not that the interior hasn't been finished yet. There were people sitting and watching. Whatever is useful, let's use it. Which I don't think is very appropriate," Mr. Phumtham said. Source: Thai News Agency