Yoon asks parliament to send confirmation hearing report for broadcasting watchdog chief nominee

President Yoon Suk Yeol asked the National Assembly on Tuesday to send a confirmation hearing report for the broadcasting watchdog chief nominee by the end of the day, his office said. The request was made a day after the Assembly failed to adopt the report for Lee Jin-sook, the nominee to become chief of the Korea Communications Commission, due to objections from the main opposition Democratic Party. Monday was the legal deadline by which the Assembly had to send a confirmation hearing report to the government, and if Yoon's request is not met, he will be free to formally appoint Lee on Wednesday, as the prime minister is the only Cabinet post that requires parliamentary approval. Lee underwent a rare three-day confirmation hearing last week amid accusations she used her former positions at public broadcaster MBC to suppress the company's labor union and misuse corporate cards. Yoon also requested a confirmation hearing report for Kim Byoung-hwan, the nominee to head the Financial Services Commission, b y the end of the day. Source: Yonhap News Agency