
Be sure before sharing: Be careful: Cerebral hemorrhage after taking a shower, is it true?

February 19, 2024 - As news has been shared warning that A man suffered a brain haemorrhage after taking a shower. Due to cold weather Was sent to the hospital and found to have high blood pressure. Cerebral hemorrhage It's life-threatening. Sure Center before sharing, check with Dr. Warisa Wongphanuwich Expert doctor Neurosurgery group The Neurology Institute, Department of Medical Services explained that the information in the news still lacks information on other risk factors, such as congenital diseases and whether or not they drink alcohol regularly. 'When the weather changes The body's nature has a mechanism to expand or contract blood vessels in the skin. To control the temperature in the body to be stable. Therefore, when the temperature difference is large, the main effect will be on the blood vessels in the skin rather than on the blood vessels inside the body.' Does bathing affect the blood vessels in the brain? Bathing does not cause a stroke even if the temperature is extremely hot or cold. It was not related to the stroke at all. According to the news, it may have been a coincidence that he suffered a stroke just after taking a shower. In fact A cerebrovascular accident can rupture at any time. They are a series of events but are not causally related. As for cerebrovascular disease It is caused by abnormalities of the blood vessels in the brain. that causes the brain to be in a state of ischemia It may be caused by a cerebral artery stenosis or blockage from a large blood clot. or fat that has accumulated for a long time Obstructing the blood flow that goes to the brain. And it may be caused by a ruptured or torn blood vessel in the brain because the brain blood vessels may be fragile. Symptoms are often associated with high blood pressure. Or there may be an accumulation of fat in the arteries. causing the amount of blood to enter the brain to suddenly decrease until a brain hemorrhage occurred and died in a short time. Therefore, taking a hot shower and then encountering cold weather cause cerebral artery stenosis There is still a lack of explanation of other related factors. Therefore, we should not rush to conclusions and we should not share further. Interviewed on: 9 February 2024, fact checked by: Peeraphon Anutarasoti, compiled by: Chayanit Phongsai ------------------ News shared: Taiwan doctor shares A man suffered a brain haemorrhage after taking a shower. Due to cold weather Taiwanese doctors share a lesson: A 30-year-old man suffered a stroke after taking a shower. Due to cold weather along with suggestions to observe according to FAST principles Bathing twice a day is a daily routine that many people have been taught to do since childhood. No matter how hot or how cold the weather is, you still have to shower every day. However, taking a cold shower can cause unexpected things to happen. ET Today reports that a 30-year-old man in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, walked out of the bathroom after showering. He originally felt warm all over his body. Unexpectedly, as soon as he stepped on the cold floor, he felt a headache. Later, his right hand and right foot were weak, unable to speak clearly, so the family rushed him to the hospital. It was found that he had suffered a hemorrhagic stroke and was still out of danger. According to the report of Dr. Chen Deyuan, head physician of the neurosurgery department at the hospital. Said that on the 22nd day, the hospital admitted 6 stroke patients in a row, so they wanted to come out. Remind people that In low temperature environments or large temperature differences, blood vessels contract. If blood pressure is not properly controlled or if you do not drink enough water The blood will thicken. This can cause blood pressure to spike and increase, thus increasing the risk of stroke. Dr. Chen Deyuan pointed out that This man took a hot bath at home when the weather was cold, thinking that his body would be warmer, he unexpectedly walked out of the bathroom in thin clothes. As soon as his feet stepped on the cold floor, he felt a heavy headache. And his r ight hand and right leg were weak. Then he quickly called his family for help, but could not speak clearly until he was sent to the hospital. It was found that the blood pressure exceeded 200 mm of mercury and that a cerebral artery had ruptured. He had an ischemic stroke and was still in danger of his life. Dr. Chen Deyuan cautions against being in environments with large temperature differences, such as when you get out of a warm bed in the morning. Do not step directly on cold floors with bare feet. It is recommended to wear socks or sandals first. If you go outside You can wear a hat and scarf to avoid the cold wind blowing directly on your head. The method for identifying cerebrovascular disease is simple: Dr. Chen Deyuan gives the formula 'FAST,' four English letters corresponding to FACE, ARM, SPEECH, and TIME. F = Face: The face is numb, the mouth is crooked, the corners of the mouth droop, the facial muscles are weak on one side. A = Arm, arms and legs are weak, walk staggering, have difficulty balancing. S = Speech: Speech is characterized by speech not being able to speak, a stiff tongue, or sudden, unclear speech. T = Time Know the time when symptoms started, that is, know how long it has been since the onset of abnormal symptoms. or from the time the patient last had normal symptoms and rushed to the hospital immediately For examination and diagnosis within 4.5 hours. Source: Thai News Agency