Internal Affairs

Chairman of the Election Commission draws lots to release 423 election inspectors.

Election Commission, "Itthiphon", President of the Election Commission, draws lots to release a line of 423 election inspectors to go to the area to stop corruption in selecting senators, confirming that the law makes it difficult for them to vote. Openly listen to every opinion People who don't agree with the regulations Prepare to attend the meeting next week. Reporters report from the Election Commission Office. that Mr. Itthiphon Boonprakong, Chairman of the Election Commission, presided over the lottery drawing to appoint 423 provincial election inspectors from a list of 602 election inspectors who are ready to perform duties in 77 provinces and 928 districts. This is in accordance with Articles 28 and 30 of the Constitution, which are required for each Senate election. The Election Commission must appoint election inspectors from the list of election inspectors to perform duties in each province, not less than 5 people but not more than 8 people, by drawing lots, dividing them into 2 people who must h ave domicile in the province. will be appointed and the rest are people from different domiciles. Mr. Itthiphon said that the lottery was drawn to appoint election inspectors to perform duties this time. To support the Royal Decree to select Senators, during this period there will be training for election inspectors in various regions. Last week I went to talk with election inspectors. By emphasizing various duties to ensure clarity. By asking election inspectors to go to the area as much as possible. to talk to the network Election Commission in the area which includes the committee members of the Subdistrict Democracy Promotion Center These personnel will be able to assist election inspectors in performing their duties very well. Including in villages that don't sell votes, which we have over 10,000 throughout the country. Come in and help monitor and take care of. We also work together with the 4 Anti-Corruption Coalitions. Consisting of election inspectors, government officials, citizens and the Election Commission, there are also private organizations interested in helping to inspect the selection. Working together will help prevent violations of the law. 'Now we are ready with the budget, personnel, and documents. The latest document that has been completed is the regulations regarding the introduction of Senate candidates. which was announced in the Royal Gazette on 27 April, which the said regulations clearly stated Those wishing to apply can introduce themselves according to the methods specified in the regulations. And next week there will be a meeting with the provincial governor. District Chief of every province and Ministry of Interior To practice understanding in performing this duty,' Mr. Itthiphon said. As for measures to prevent harassment during the election of senators, Mr. Itthiphon said that the Organic Act on the selection of senators has been designed to require an application fee of 2,500 baht, which will make the measures against harassment. It takes a lot of people and money. which may not be easy to do In addition, with crossover selection it will be difficult to predict who will be with us. Hoping that it can be prevented to a certain extent. Another mechanism is public relations with the public to participate in the examination of the selection of senators at this time. The information that was reported to the Election Commission led to the decision of punishment by the court. There will be a chance to receive the maximum prize of 1 million baht. There will also be election inspectors keeping watch. With these mechanisms, it is hoped that it will help prevent and deter wrongdoing to a certain extent. But it is best to use honesty in choosing. Don't interfere with the applicant. When asked if there were some groups of potential senatorial candidates who disagreed with the regulations regarding the introduction of senatorial candidates. Because the general public cannot know who will be a candidate, Mr. Itthiphon said that when the regulations come out and there is feedback on what should be improved, we are ready to listen. At the Election Commission meeting this week We told the office to collect those opinions and compile them to propose which issues should be adjusted. or which issues should remain as they are? The public will have the opportunity to know who the candidates are. We have measures in place to support that when the names of all candidates are announced across the country in 928 districts, we will put that information on the Election Commission's website or in the Smart Vote application. The public will have the opportunity to see which districts are applicants, which groups are applying, with pictures, names, history, and experience, which is complete basic information. As for the potential Senate candidate who disagrees with the punishment, Mr. Itthiphon said that we have determined the punishment according to the level of the offense. which will be comparable to offenses under the Act on the Election of MPs. and the Local Council or Local Executive Election Act 2019, which the person who will determine the penalty is the court. Therefore, in designing the law that stipulates punishment for violations in The Act regarding the selection of senators already takes into account suitability. When asked whether there are currently prospective applicants who have filed a petition with the Central Administrative Court requesting the revocation of the Election Commission's regulations regarding self-introduction in selection. Senator ready to request temporary protection Mr. Itthiphon said that the Election Commission must move forward first. But if the court decides in any direction, it must be seen how much of an impact it will have. Now I can't say anything. This is the right of the people to come out and ask the court to consider appropriateness and correctness. This is normal, which we understand, but we have reasons why it came out that way. And our process is not about coming out and not listening to anyone because we have to listen and are going to take matters that the people or those involved have commented on into consideration again at the next meeting, which we Do your best work. It's not like you can't fix it if you go out. In the case where pictures and clips appeared of people complaining at the Rayong MP, the Kao Klai Party informed people who had signed up to receive help to get justice from the fire at a chemical factory in Rayong Province. ID cards were collected and the name list stated that it was a training session to provide knowledge about democracy. Mr. Itthiphon Boonprakong, Chairman of the Election Commission, said that initially we would have an informal working committee responsible for gathering information. Responsible for proposing to the Election Commission secretary. and if the Secretary of the Election Commission, in his capacity as the political party registrar It is of the opinion that official action should be taken. will order the fact-finding committee to look into this matter, after which the said committee will investigate the facts and summon pe rsons Look for evidence and if from the evidence it is seen that the action is likely to violate the law, it will be presented to the Secretary-General of the Election Commission. As the registrar of political parties, we must first consider what the existing details are. The first is the duty of the registrar. Because it is an offense related to political party law. which gives the Secretary-General of the Election Commission the authority to consider taking action in this matter. which will have opinions on how to proceed and at what stage It will be presented to the next meeting of the Election Commission. When asked further, if a political party withdraws money from the political party fund that is not in accordance with the facts informed to the people, would that be against the law? Mr. Itthiphon said that in fact we pay subsidies to the political party. city ??for use in activities notified to The Election Commission has stated that it will do this or that if it appears that the facts do not match wha t has been reported to us. According to the law, it says that the money must be returned and what are the details. The money must be used correctly for the correct purpose, which will require further investigation. Source: Thai News Agency