
Election Commission joins hands with network partners to set up a cyber surveillance center

Election Commission of Thailand joins hands with network partners Set up a Cyber Threat Surveillance Operations Center for the electoral system EMP prepares for elections Do not cause problems on election day May 14, asking people to be confident. Ready to order a knot check "Ilaw-Chuwit" has come out to reveal that the laser campaign on the Rama VIII Bridge of the RRT is an electronic campaign waiting for the Election Commission of Bangkok to report.

The Office of the Election Commission of Thailand (ECT) in collaboration with the Office of the National Cyber Security Commission (NHA), the Office of the Personal Data Protection Commission (NAO), the Technology Crime Investigation Bureau. The Office of Registration Administration, the Department of Provincial Administration and the National Telecommunications Public Company Limited set up a Cyber Threat Surveillance and Response Center for the election system. To support, control, supervise and manage risks for Election Commission-related systems such as Smart Vote, Pineapple Eye application, Election Commission website so that they can operate efficiently throughout the election period. Election until the general election day, May 14, 2023, which will allow people to use applications and websites related to elections. It is safe and convenient. It is also protected personal information.

Mr. Sawang Boonmee, secretary-general of the ECT, said he wanted people to be confident in the election on May 14, reiterating that the duty of the ECT is to maintain the democratic system with the King as Head of State. The important tool is a free, fair and acceptable election. And the people own the elections, so the Election Commission has high hopes. about this election No matter how society feels or views the ECT, what the ECT intends to do is to provide a fair playing field for elections. equality for all political parties public participation The list must be transparent.

As for the advance election on May 7, the past admitted that there was a mistake The office hastily taken action. so as not to happen again on May 14, by sending a letter informing all provinces to rehearse with the committee members of the polling station (MWA) in order to work smoothly facilitate the public Take care to post the announcement completely, clearly and take care not to let anyone destroy it. and brought to the point cause confusion that Election Commission does not take good care of or cause an advantage or disadvantage As well as counting votes, reporting results, the director must follow up closely. Give advice on how to act and take care of voters properly. If overpowered, they will be sent to the Central Election Commission, where clinics are set up. MWA supports today

“The Election Commission confirmed that will maintain the vote of voters who have exercised their right to vote on May 7 in the past or to be posted on May 14, this coming No matter who you vote for, which party, that vote will be given to that person. I hope the situation until Election Day goes well. We must maintain the democratic field,” said Sawang.

For the case in which Pheu Thai MP candidates remarked on the criteria for determining the cost of observers, Mr. Sawang said we wanted to encourage people to participate. The Election Commission would like to invite everyone to inspect the election. whether it is an organization or public sectors But in terms of political parties There is a law allowing political parties to send observers under Section 55. Political parties wishing to send observers must notify the Election Commission of Thailand 15 days prior to the election. The expenses incurred will belong to the political party. If a political party has spent all its 44 million baht budget, it may rely on the candidate's channel to divide the political party's boundaries. Send an observer to take care of it instead. different Because observers in the case of notifying the Election Commission will allocate their seats inside the polling station. But in the case of sending it yourself, it will be outside. But it can be clearly seen. used to pay for it This is in accordance with Section 14 of the 1998 Organic Act on Political Parties, which stipulates that political parties can send representatives to join the MWA, but that law has been repealed according to the 2007 constitution. law But everyone can have a normal observation channel.

When asked about the election on May 14, if there is another mistake Whether it's May 7 or May 14, the director of every province has to report every incident that occurs in every unit. Which has already recorded the event from 8:00 a.m. until the counting of votes, for example, if the ballot is incorrect then there is a protest will have to record the event Or in the case of Mr. Chuwit Kamolwisit, a former politician, he had sent the matter since May 8 to investigate the incident, so in addition to recording the incident at the unit Also check the case of news events. Is it true? How to fix?

As for the case of the Ruam Thai Sang Chart Party (RTP), there was a laser light campaign. Around the central pillar of the Rama VIII Bridge, Mr. Sawang said he had heard from the news. Because it's about the owner of the area. which every campaign Signs are attached to all governmental areas, including roads and electric poles. This can be done, but requires permission. in the case of the Ruam Thai Sang Chart Party When viewed as an electronic campaign under Article 7 (7), it is a semi-electronic campaign. which such a campaign We have sent letters to all political parties that they are not subject to forced elections. But ask the owner of the place to give permission. which this way BMA has inspected In the event that someone requests Election Commission of Bangkok diagnosed must be diagnosed But it would not be possible for them to judge now. because the facts are still unknown There was only listening to what was what.

When asked about the case where the Progressive Party demanded that the Election Commission disclose information about voters in advance classified by area for various political parties can be traced back Including making information about polling stations across the country as a Microsoft Excel file. Mr. Sawang said that he would take it into consideration.

Source: Thai News Agency