Internal Affairs

Explain the reason for changing the loan instead of budgeting.

Julapan" explains the reason for changing the source of "Digital Wallets" to the Loan Act instead of including it in Budget 2024, emphasizing that the government is sincere in solving people's problems. Ready to listen to useful suggestions Mr. Chulaphan Amornvivat, Deputy Minister of Finance Clarifying the draft discussion Budget Expenditure Act for Fiscal Year 2024, after a discussion by Ms. Sirikanya Tansakul, MP for the Move Forward Party, said thank you for helping to present the government's weaknesses. and it is considered the government's duty to expedite the correction. Make every baht and every satang beneficial to the people. Ready to receive useful comments. What is the discourse asking for permission not to answer, whether it be about "lame ducks" or anything else? 'The government is sincere in solving the problems of the people. Of course, the budget is part of the solution. But if looking for a budget to solve debt Where tourism is located, sometimes it is not visible and there may not be cl early named items. But the mechanism for using the budget It is an administrative expense in solving problems for the people. It is just one part of driving the economy. There are other mechanisms. Help push the government Some projects may not require funds, such as reducing energy prices. It is a mechanism that can be managed without having to cut the royal budget,' Mr. Chulphan said. Mr. Chulphan said that he would come and find a budget for the referendum that did not appear. You must understand the working mechanism of the government sector. Must start with a request from a government agency. But when there isn't any The process cannot move forward. Because there is no clear time period. The department was unable to make a request to the Budget Office, so it did not appear. But every mechanism still exists, such as the election in 2023. Everyone knew that there would be an election. The Election Commission will prepare a budget. But when the parliament is dissolved, the period cannot be determined. In t he end, there was still no request confirming that the government was sincere in moving forward with the constitution. The government has a sufficient budget to support adequate mechanisms, whether it be a referendum or anything else. Mr. Chulaphan admits that he received inheritance from the previous government. Many budget commitments cannot be eliminated. But after becoming the government, it was adjusted to be in line with the current government's policies as much as possible. For the budget of 3.48 trillion baht, there are 3 important things: 1. Expenses according to rights that must be included in the national budget. 2. Expenses according to commitments of 620 billion baht according to obligations under the Budget Procedures Act 2018 3. Basic expenses of 500 billion baht, which will be included in the budget in the proportion specified by law. As for the fund to increase the capacity of the industry, the target is 15 billion baht, we will add money periodically. It probably cannot be added in at once because it will not be beneficial. Confirmed, it will definitely happen in the next 2-3 years. 'In the case of digital money wallets, I would like to inform you that there has been a real change in the source of the money and the mechanism for changing it. Because the government wants to create transparency and auditability. The first reason for changing Loan Act Because in using the national budget, it changes hands from the government sector. Change people into people who use them to stimulate the economy. The appropriate mechanism is to find new sources of money. There should be an outside source of money coming in. to add money We want to add some money to stimulate the Thai economy. So the mechanism actually changed. Therefore, we do not see digital wallets in the budget for 2024,' Mr. Chulphan said.-316 Source: Thai News Agency