
File a complaint for being attacked by youths on the night of Wan Lai in Pattaya.

Pattaya, A 31-year-old man took his 9-year-old and 4-year-old grandchildren along with their mother to report the crime to the police. Pattaya City Police Station After being attacked in Wan Lai Pattaya He himself was attacked and punched. His 9-year-old grandson was kicked in the face. From CCTV images It can be seen that the group causing the crime came in 2 vehicles. The first vehicle was a white pickup truck. and Mazda pickup truck While parked inside the alley. The motorcycle of the injured Mr. Teerawat, who was riding with his two grandchildren and his mother, rode past on the left side. A white shirted man in a Mazda pickup truck splashed water on his face. Then Mr. Teerawat stopped the car and there was a conversation. Before Mr. Teerawat was attacked and punched until there was chaos, people in both pickup trucks tried to stop him. After the incident, Mr. Teerawat brought the clip to report. Ready to tell the story that this event happened on the night of Wan Lai Pattaya. while riding a motorcycle Returned home with 2 grandchildren and their mother with them. When the scene of the incident occurred in the alley opposite Krungsri Pattaya Central Bank. Cutting the elephant corral alley There was a pickup truck parked with the stereo on. I myself rode past normally. But the person sitting in the back of the pickup truck was drunk. splash water on face He himself was the driver of the car and almost lost control and fell. So he said why don't you splash it on your body? A car crash happened and my grandchildren, me and mother were hurt. Then the people on the side walked towards him. Like I'm sorry but I'm going to find a problem. Mr. Thiwat said that he came to report the matter because he wanted to ask the other party why they had done this. Even though I have children and want to take responsibility which my grandchild is still afraid of After the above incident occurred . Source: Thai News Agency