Internal Affairs

First 152 days of opposition pointing out the state’s inefficiency

Parliament, The opposition held a general debate and did not vote on Section 152 on the first day. "Chaithawat" made an open statement slamming the work's inefficiency. Ignore the policies stated with the council. Destroying the rule of law, as the Prime Minister immediately stood up to explain At the beginning, he spoke strongly and explained and took suggestions for improvement. Meeting of the House of Representatives today (3 April) Mr. Wan Muhammad Noor Matha, Speaker of the House of Representatives Acting as chairman of the meeting In the motion to open a general discussion in order to ask facts or suggest problems to the Cabinet without voting in accordance with Section 152 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, with Mr. Settha Thavisin, the Prime Minister and the Cabinet joining in to explain in unison. Before the meeting, the 3 party whips discussed and came to a conclusion for a 2-day meeting, 3 - 4 April 2024. The government whip explained at the meeting that Opposition parties are given 22 hours of debate as usual. While the government department originally set 8 hours, it was adjusted to not specifying a time frame. But it depends on the clarification of the discussion until all doubts are eliminated. This depends on the discretion of the Council President and the Minister, who will debate until 1:00 a.m. today (April 3) and tomorrow (April 4). The discussion will last until 11:00 p.m. Then at 9:30 a.m., Mr. Chaithawat Tulathon, Leader of the Opposition in the House of Representatives As a mover He announced the opening of the discussion that the Cabinet under the leadership of Mr. Settha He has been running the government for more than 6 months, but has not fulfilled the promises he made to the people, was insincere, inattentive, and ignored policy statements given to the National Assembly. Can't find work The rule of law has been destroyed. With discrimination in the justice process, double standards, and government administration without ethics. Urgent policies run counter to reality. C oncrete example The opposition leader said the government announced policies to stimulate the economy. but inefficient Incompetent with the policy of adding 10,000 baht via digital wallet, which the government boasts will stimulate the economy widely. It is a mistake that cannot be processed. If you want to continue It will create more national debt. Expense reduction policy But in the end, the cost of living increased. Pretending to create opportunities for the people But instead, there is a policy to create opportunities for capital groups. Discourse promoting reducing inequality Instead, they run the government which creates more inequality for the people. Selling dreams to create a better quality of life for people But the government still doesn't have the ability to do it. The government announces policies to improve the quality of life of the people. But the reality is that it does not lead to the benefit of the people. Moreover, it still blocks people's opportunities. The debt problem has not yet been driven in a concrete way. Especially our fellow farmers who still have to suffer from debts incurred. Mr. Chaithawat said that after the election we hope that We will have a national leader who is different from the leader after the coup. But we got the Prime Minister. That is another type of immaturity. Lack of leadership to build confidence in the government's clarity Worse still, there is a traditional way of thinking about appointing ministers. Established according to quota Instead of allocating knowledgeable and capable personnel to each ministry People expect reform of the justice system. As announced by the government But what happened was a crisis of faith in the Royal Thai Police like never before. Including in the bureaucracy that is full of ticket systems and tribute systems to the point that people cannot trust the mechanisms of government administration. 'You don't have to say, If we don't like each other, we're different people. Because people want to live in the same system. same country who se rights and freedoms are protected and are treated equally in the same law I want to see a political system that moves the nation forward. But what I found is Democracy in which political influencers Political leaders, succumbing to power, have crept in and tried to monopolize political and economic power. Monopoly of political power to a few influential groups This creates a political environment that does not respond to the new needs of the people. From the facts as I have already learned. It is concluded that The government is inefficient. There is no rule of law, no morality and ethics, causing the economic downturn. Social conditions fail, discrimination, lack of standards create inequality. trampling on people The economy is in bad shape. Society declines poor people Serve your friends Serve the capital group,'' the opposition leader said. Mr. Chaithawat said that we expect to have a new national leader who is different from the coup leader. But it appears that we have a Prime Minister who lacks lead ership. Many people are confused about who has the power and what they can do. But the Prime Minister lacks leadership. That will build confidence and clarity in the government's direction. Moreover, there is still the same way of thinking in setting up the Cabinet. Allotted according to the treasure quota, take turns watching. Instead of recruiting personnel with appropriate knowledge and abilities in coming to manage various ministries 'After setting up the cabinet. I saw that many ministers were hopeless. And when this government has been running the country for more than half a year People expect to see policies to revive the economy. My stomach is better. But what the citizens found was a confusing policy implementation, thinking and doing. This is the government's flagship policy. Lack of clear strategy and guidelines not concrete Not on target Instead of the people seeing government administration that gives people the opportunity to open their eyes and open their mouths equally, equitably, and fairly , they see the promotion of a monopolistic economic system. Fully beneficial to large capital Many policies are disguised as a front for the people. But behind the scenes there is full of policy corruption. It has opened the way for ministers and their cronies to shamefully seek illegal benefits,' the opposition leader said. Mr. Chaithawat said that people expect to see political reform to democracy. When the government was established People want to see a referendum held quickly. But it still keeps going back and forth. Citizens are not sure what the government will do with political reform. Furthermore, when analyzed in detail, it was found that if a new constitution could be prepared in time, We may have a new constitution that is new. But they don't trust the people like before. As time passed, it was found that the legal war process was still continuing. No different from after the coup. Situation of suppression of people with different opinions 'The rights and freedom of the press are beginning to sho w signs of being threatened with interference. Citizens expect to see reforms to the justice system. saw the restoration of the rule of law The state of law announced by the government But what actually happened was a crisis of faith that the Royal Thai Police had never experienced before in the police. The justice process has been eroded and undermined. Aggravating the crisis of faith in the justice system that has continued after the coup. People expect a political system that moves forward. But what we encounter are political leaders who have political influence and power. It attempts to monopolize political and economic power in the hands of a few elites. Instead we see political escalation moving forward. Creating a new type of politics, we encounter politics that tries to destroy the new in order to preserve the old,' the opposition leader said. Mr. Chaithawat said that all the past conditions This puts us in a political situation that is unable to respond to new ideas of the people, unable to respond to new demands. It is a situation where the House of Representatives needs to analyze, criticize, ask questions and make recommendations to the Cabinet. While the Prime Minister Please clarify immediately. that he is pleased that if there are any issues that are not clear Ready to give clarity If you have any suggestions Some matters are believed to be put into concrete practice and in 2 days will be discussed constructively. Provide the public with correct facts 'At the beginning, we talked quite forcefully about hopelessness, failure, reform, backsliding, destruction, but there is another side: there is hope, development, progress. We move forward. Saying that we hide, we are transparent. Many things the government is trying to do are positive. It's a matter of light. If you still have any doubts, please tell me. The minister is ready to explain after working for 6 months and the council has just approved the budget. We are confident that we will work honestly, transparently and with explanations,' the Pr ime Minister said. Mr. Settha explained the case of public debt that Set up a working group to take care of informal debt. Regarding energy, we take care of the price of gasoline, electricity, and diesel. which the government is well aware of and there will be further work steps I didn't ignore it. The drug problem has a working group organized by the Royal Thai Police in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health. In the 4th quarter, more methamphetamine was seized than the entire year before. which is seen to be very strict The Prime Minister explained that in terms of tourism, income generation, and free visas, both Thailand and China are moving forward with trade and investment. And tourism has improved, including hotels, restaurants, and related Deputy Prime Ministers traveling to many countries. To make the Thai passport more powerful Farmer income I am well aware that because there are 314 MPs, everyone has the people as their base. And we're ready to listen. In the case of the price of rubber from 30 baht to almost 100 baht, the price of rice is high. Other crops are good, there are no protests. The Ministry of Commerce is trying to open new markets, setting KPIs for commercial ambassadors to work in an integrated manner to make crop prices better. PM 2.5 The government has submitted the Clean Air Act to the House of Representatives, even though Chiang Mai Province has The weather is still bad. But when comparing Number of hotspots decreased 'The government gives importance to every citizen. I travel a lot, almost 10 times in total. More than half of my travels are supposed to be to the ASEAN stage. And we are new, just accepted the position. Must meet and talk and exchange policies In order for Thailand to have an identity on the world stage Each visit has quality. Including FTA negotiations to improve people's lives. But everything takes time because I've only been here for 7 months. If members have any good suggestions, they are happy to listen. And if there are any accusations, they ask for e vidence and reasons, such as matters of the justice process. However, after the country has passed an election, I believe that Thailand has made more progress in democracy,' the Prime Minister said. Source: Thai News Agency