Internal Affairs

Got the answer in 2 months, land problem, ALRO Korat

Centra by Centara Hotel, Government Complex, "Bhoomtham" confirms that it will have an answer to the ALRO land problem in Korat within 2 months, emphasizing that it should be based on the facts. Adhere to the principles of preserving forests and people with land to farm. Mr. Phumtham Wechayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce As the Chairman of the National Land Policy Committee (NCTC), he addressed the issue of the issuance of ALRO 4-01 in the Nakhon Ratchasima Province area that the government is not complacent. Mr. Settha Thavisin, the Prime Minister and Minister of Finance The order has been given. and there was a meeting of relevant agencies including the National Land Policy Committee Set up a sub-committee to look at the details in an integrated manner. of various agencies including the Royal Thai Survey Department, ALRO, Department of Natural Resources, provinces, kamnans, and village headmen to clearly prove what these lands are. This morning there was already a discussion. What mu st be made into One Map or a single map clearly and I will believe that. Everything will end. It is thought that we will wait for another period of time. The sub-committee has a framework of 2 months, which we believe will provide clarity. However, he emphasizes that everything must be looked at in the facts. What is the forest like? How long have you been here before or after the announcement? By standing on the principle of being able to preserve natural resources. To get and try to solve the problem of people's land for farming by doing 2 things simultaneously, relying on the law, by finding channels for the people to have the right to make a living. 'The truth is that there has always been a problem regarding the alignment of various boundaries. Each side holds a different map. Therefore, it led to the establishment of the National Land Commission. to integrate various aspects Now that it's been 3 years, we've divided it into 3 - 5 different areas, which we're still working on. We have to see each other . Use one map to see, but we have to sympathize with the officials. Because there is not much manpower But now a sufficient number have begun. Whichever one can be done first, do it. I would like to emphasize here that Currently, different types of land must be classified. How will each thing be taken care of? For people who have already come to make a living If you can check I will try to restore rights to many parts if honestly there are no problems. We will give the land to eat to the NCPO to take care of granting permission to farm. I think that various cases You have to look at the facts. The state is trying to restore rights. or giving the right to make a living Some things, if you can't give them You have to look at each type and see how to proceed to solve the problem further. So how much and how much land will be given to the people? We must rely on the law. Let's see what can give him a chance. Land problems will be reduced,' Mr. Phumtham Said. Source: Thai News Agency