
(LEAD) Gov’t to halt administrative steps against striking trainee doctors for breakthrough

The government is likely to halt the suspension of licenses and other administrative steps against striking trainee doctors in an effort to seek a breakthrough in monthslong medical service disruptions, officials said Monday. Health Minister Cho Kyoo-hong is scheduled to hold a press briefing later in the day after a meeting of the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasures Headquarters, during which he will announce measures that would help facilitate dialogue and resolve the ongoing standoff with the medical community over the medical school admission quota hike. More than 12,000 trainee doctors, or more than 90 percent of the total, have left their worksites since late February in protest of the government's medical reform plan, and most of them have rejected calls for returning to work. As the latest, key appeasement measure, the government is expected to halt administrative steps even for those who opt not to return to hospitals. "Some trainee doctors are reluctant to return to work out of concerns that the move would lead to punishment against their defiant colleagues," a ministry official said. "If we suspend administrative measures altogether, that would help induce more to go back to hospitals," he said, adding that it would be a "last resort" for the government to address the situation. Doctors have urged the government to cancel, rather than suspend, administrative steps against striking doctors, but it would not do that in consideration of those who already ended their strike and other legal issues, officials said. Many doctors, however, remained skeptical. "The government initially issued unjustified administrative orders, and the suspension is far from enough to encourage striking doctors to change their course. What we want is an apology from the government," a striking doctor said. Another doctor said, "The government has come up with makeshift measures, and we cannot trust it," calling on the government to accept their resignation submitted in February upon the launch of the strike. Th e government had refused to accept resignations and ordered them to return to work, but later it decided to accept their resignations in June after withdrawing back-to-work orders. But the striking doctors demanded that their resignations be effective from February, not from June, to ensure that they are completely free from potential legal responsibilities regarding the collective action. Despite strong opposition from doctors, the government finalized an admissions quota hike of some 1,500 students for medical schools for next year in an effort to address problems stemming from the shortage of doctors. Doctors have urged the government to revisit the decision, claiming that medical schools will not be able to handle the increased enrollment, which will compromise the quality of medical education and ultimately the country's medical services. Source: Yonhap News Agency