Minister of Foreign Affairs to co-chair BOI office opening ceremony in Riyadh

Saudi Arabia, Foreign Minister arrives in Saudi Arabia, to preside over the opening ceremony of the BOI office in Riyadh. Mr. Maris Sangiampong, Minister of Foreign Affairs, arrived in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, to prepare to co-chair the opening ceremony of the Board of Investment (BOI) in Riyadh with the Saudi Minister of Investment and lead representatives of the Thai public and private sectors to join the Thai - Saudi Investment Forum and business matching activities organized by the Board of Investment tomorrow (15 July). On this occasion, the Minister will meet with high-ranking representatives of Saudi Arabia to strengthen relations and drive economic cooperation between Thailand and Saudi Arabia to be closer. The BOI office in Riyadh is the 17th overseas BOI office and the first in the Middle East region. It will be responsible for both attracting investment in target industries to Thailand and supporting and facilitating Thai entrepreneurs interested in investing in Saudi Arabia and the Middle East re gion. Source: Thai News Agency