Internal Affairs

Minister of the Prime Minister’s Office joins in celebrating ‘Phuket Pride 2024’

Minister of the Prime Minister's Office joins in the celebration of 'Phuket Pride 2024', inviting the countdown to wait. The Marriage Equality Act passed by the Senate. On June 9, 2024, Ms. Jiraporn Sinthuprai, Minister attached to the Prime Minister's Office, participated in the 'Phuket Pride 2024 (Phuket Pride 2024)' activity at Patong Municipality. Phuket Province by Minister attached to the Prime Minister's Office Congratulations on organizing the 'Phuket Pride 2024' activity, which was a result of the cooperation of all sectors. and emphasized the government's determination to move forward in raising the level of gender equality to be concrete. This is due to the commitment of Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister, from when he was a prime minister candidate. which was announced in the election campaign that 'Will push for laws to support rights and equality for all gender groups' so that no one is excluded on the basis of gender and sexual orientation. Ms. Jiraporn stated that in addition to the government 's determination to push forward this law, The most important thing is the hard work of the public sector in raising awareness and creating acceptance of gender diversity in society. Before emphasizing that Pride Month 2024 is one of the very special years because on 18 June The 'Equal Marriage Act' is about to be passed by the Senate. 'Just a few more days. Thailand will become the first country in the ASEAN region. that has a law recognizing marriage of people with diverse genders This victory belongs to everyone. Thank you to the public sector All opposition and government political parties Government agencies in every sector All Thai brothers and sisters who join together to plant the rainbow flag in Thailand Let the whole world know that Thailand is a country that is open to Embrace gender diversity which is the basis of democracy,' Ms. Jiraporn said. Source: Thai News Agency