
Police prepare to detain all 18 members of the ICON team after 14 hours of questioning.

Police take 18 suspects, including 'Boss Paul-Sam-Min-Kant' and the team leader, to the Criminal Court for detention after more than 14 hours of interrogation, and oppose bail. The Central Investigation Bureau is preparing to take 18 suspects in the The Icon Group case to request the Criminal Court for detention. At the Central Investigation Bureau headquarters, iron barriers were set up in front of the Central Investigation Bureau building to act as a channel to control all 18 suspects on charges of jointly defrauding the public and jointly deceiving or deceiving by entering information into a computer system. Many media outlets are following closely. The suspects will be taken out, including Mr. Paul, a suspect with an arrest warrant from the Criminal Court, along with celebrity bosses Sam, Min, Kant, and the 18 life coach leaders who are suspects in the Icon Group case, after being questioned for 14 hours. Initially, after questioning the officers, after questioning them at noon, the officers provided f ood for the suspects to eat, with some eating and some not eating because they were still worried after being arrested immediately after the arrest warrant was issued. During questioning, the suspects denied all charges. The police have now prepared 4 Central Investigation Bureau police vans and 1 police escort vehicle, waiting to take the suspect to the Criminal Court for initial detention. The investigators objected to bail during the investigation and court stages because the damages in this case are worth a lot. For the victim investigation data at the Central Investigation Bureau between 10-17 October until noon today, it was found that there were 1,739 victims who had been questioned, with damages estimated at more than 600 million baht. Source: Thai News Agency