
Port beat Zhejiang 1-0 in AFC Champions League Two

Port FC and Bangkok United both won the AFC Champions League Two. AFC Champions League Two Group Stage, Group F, Matchday 3, Port Authority FC from Thai League, uses Pathum Thani Stadium (BG) to welcome Zhejiang FC, a league team from China. In the first minute of the game, Port striker Lonsana Doumbouya slipped in to flick the ball into the goal, but was eventually caught offside and unfortunately missed the lead. Minute 24, Peeradon Chamratsamee tried a long shot but the ball didn't go into the frame. In the second half, minute 69, Kevin Deeromram broke through the Zhejiang defenders before crossing from the end line to the far post for Felipe Amorim to shoot into the goal, giving Port Authority a 1-0 lead. In the 84th minute, the away team had a chance to equalize from a free kick by Qian Jia Kei, but Port Authority goalkeeper Worawut Srisupa made a superb save and dived to block the ball away. Full-time: Port FC edged out Zhejiang FC 1-0, adding 6 points to lead Group F, while Zhejiang FC remained i n third place with 3 points. While the other pair, Persib Bandung from Indonesia, drew 1-1 with Lion City Sailors from Singapore. In the next match, Port FC will meet Lion City Sailors on October 30 at Pathum Thani Stadium. Another pair, Group G, Match 3, Leeman FC, a team from the Hong Kong League, hosted 'The Angels' True Bangkok United. In the 28th minute, Leeman's defender made a mistake, allowing Basses Jradi to get the ball and turn and shoot with his left foot, giving Bangkok a 1-0 lead. In the 32nd minute, Bangkok had a chance from a quick counterattack. Pokklaw Anan passed a long ball to Richairo Zivkovic who broke away alone before shooting the ball past goalkeeper Leeman who ran out of the box, but the ball bounced over the crossbar, unfortunately. In the 79th minute, Leeman midfielder Michel Paulisen got the ball before turning and shooting, but the ball hit the leg of Bangkok goalkeeper Patiwat Khammai. Full-time: Bangkok won over Leeman FC 1-0, collecting 7 points and leading the pack. Lee man has yet to win. In another match, Nam Dinh from Vietnam drew with Tampines Rovers from Singapore 3-3. In the next match, Bangkok will host Leeman FC on Wednesday, November 6. Source: Thai News Agency