Internal Affairs

Prepare to submit a study report on the draft amnesty bill to the Speaker of the House.

Parliament, 'Chusak' reveals preparation to submit study report on draft amnesty bill to the Speaker of the House to include in the agenda tomorrow (26 July) Mr. Chusak Sirinil, Chairman of the House of Representatives' Special Committee on the Study of the Amnesty Act, announced to the press that today is the last day of the committee meeting. The meeting has already ended. The resolution to be presented to the House will be approved soon because the agenda will end this month. Therefore, the details will be reviewed in full and will be presented to the House. The important conclusion is that there will be an amnesty for actions or reasons that have political motivations from 2005 to the present. As for crimes against life and crimes that seriously violate human rights, such as crimes under Sections 288 and 289, amnesty will not be granted because they are about harm to life, not crimes against the state alone, causing people to die. As for the politically sensitive cases under Sections 110 and 112, the c ommittee considers that they are politically sensitive offenses. The committee will submit three opinions to the House of Representatives: 1. There should be no amnesty under Sections 110 and 112, along with reasons; 2. It is considered appropriate to grant amnesty without conditions; and 3. It is considered appropriate to grant amnesty, but with conditions. A committee may be set up to consider measures to prevent repeated offenses. Mr. Chusak stated that the committee has an observation that the amnesty is most likely to be considered by the government, and how to expedite it so that the country can return to normal society. Mr. Nikorn Chamnong stated that tomorrow he will submit a report to the Speaker of the House to be included in the agenda. There are 3 copies: from the committee, the subcommittee on studying the offense, and the subcommittee on separating cases. Which must wait for the printing of the book for another 20 days. I think it will be concluded quickly. Which will ask the House Coordinatio n Committee to consider it as an urgent matter. Source: Thai News Agency