
Prepare to talk with “Pacharawat” to end the issue of ALRO Khao Yai. Please don’t connect with politics.

House, "Thammanat" prepares to discuss with "Pacharawat" to find a resolution to the Khao Yai ALRO issue. Please don't connect with politics. Accelerate coordination with the Royal Thai Survey Department to prepare Map Day. Adhere to the principles of law and facts. Capt. Thammanat Prompao, Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives Referring to the case of the dispute over the anonymous marker, ALRO 4-01, in Khao Yai National Park, where there are overlapping 3 agencies, including the Royal Forest Department The Department of National Parks and the ALRO said that after they learned that there was a dispute between officials of the Land Reform Office of Nakhon Ratchasima Province. On the land at Khao Yai with park officials in the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment which he went to the area to clear up the problem from provincial officials And at the department level there are conflicts. He himself had a conversation with Police General Patcharawat Wongsuwan, Minister of Natural Resources and Envir onment. The executives at the level of the Permanent Secretary and the Director-General had no problems. Regarding the problem of overlapping areas of the 2 ministries, it must be understood that in the past it was supervised under one ministry. is the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives But when there was a separation of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Therefore there are problems in enforcing the law. 'Emphasize that there are simple principles. The first important principle is to enforce the law to determine how overlapping boundaries must be resolved. Currently, the government has assigned the Ministry of Defence. Let the minister drive the state-owned boundary called One Map, which the Ministry of Defense has assigned to the Royal Thai Survey Department. Proceed with the map to end various disputes Now we have to wait for the Royal Thai Survey Department, which is rushing to take action,' Capt. Thammanat said. As for the second issue, the scientific principles of the park boundar y area There is a clearly defined park law. That requires a clear calculation of the boundaries along with academic principles. By the principle of truth, the area within the park area and the area declared as the land reform area or ALRO have conflicting areas will not be announced. Will not arrange for farmers to come and make food. This is because when farmers come to farm and garden, there will be wild animals that come down to eat the crops. It is another problem that the government must solve. And if farmers are allowed to come and farm in the area adjacent to the park area. What is worrisome is the encroachment into the park area. Therefore, his policy as chairman of the Land Reform Committee Will issue new guidelines for practice. By specifying any area that is a collision zone between the park and the ALRO. Absolutely prohibit or avoid allocating land for farmers to farm. Reserved as a buffer zone or buffer zone and reserved as a community forestry area. The guidelines will be determined after the La nd Reform Committee meeting. Capt. Thammanat further stated that officials from both sides Working has responsibilities, working for the country must be fair to both. and in the Ministry of Agriculture A committee has been appointed to investigate the facts, so all officials working in the Korat area must return to work at the central office for transparency. As for whether it will take a long time or not? Received a report from the Military Planning Department that it would take no more than 2 weeks to process the plan. Please don't criticize and bring political issues into this. Today he will find an opportunity to consult Pol. Gen. Patcharawat. As for concerns, if there are villagers who work in the area that is being allocated as a buffer zone. The government will have to find new land for farmers. Capt. Thammanat emphasized that there is no need to worry. And it's not just farmers in the area of ??Moo Si Subdistrict, Pak Chong District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province that have problems, but we want farmers all over the country to be confident that the government will allocate new land for farming, so don't worry. Source: Thai News Agency