Private sector eye MOU coalition government

Bangkok, May 22 - The private sector keeps an eye on the MOU coalition government "Move Far", reiterating the establishment of a government. let the country go forward no vacuum because of the lack of government It will make all opportunities in Thailand disappear. Therefore, we cannot wait. The government needs to come in and solve the problem. Especially the confidence of investors.

Mr. Kriangkrai Thiennukul, chairman of the Federation of Thai Industries, said he believed today that all sectors are looking at the contents of the 8-party MOU agreement. Personally, it's difficult to see a more clear MOU than rumors. The news came out all Saturday and Sunday, whether it was a 13-point MOU draft or a cabinet dart. However, today is considered an important day for Thai politics. If the MOU has been signed successfully, it means that there is progress in forming a government team This will relieve concerns for the business sector. and foreign investors can drop some more or less After the market opened today, Thai stocks fell more than 20 points, reiterating the need to look at the details of the MOU's contents.

Mr. Kriengkrai also admitted that he was worried about the Senate that would be an important variable that would raise his hand to Mr. Phitha as Prime Minister to form a government. let the country go forward no vacuum because of the lack of government It will make all opportunities in Thailand disappear, so can't wait. There is a need for the government to come in and solve the problem. Especially the confidence of investors. .-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency