Internal Affairs

Senator discusses, people benefit

University of Phayao, Dr. Chonnan Said there is no need to speculate on the Senate exam to debate Section 153 next week. I already know there are 7 issues. I'm not worried about affecting the credibility of the government. People will benefit more. Dr. Chonnan Srikaew, Minister of Public Health Mentioning the case of members of the Senate (Senate) opening a general debate next week. Will the government have any special preparations or will there be speculation about the exam or not? Is there no need to speculate on the exam? He has already opened 7 topics for examination, which are discussions according to Section 153, which are questions of fact. or suggest problems to the government So what are the facts that he will ask about? or problems that he will suggest Those who have heard it presented through the media will watch it accordingly. The government answered the facts. Explain the facts Or what is the problem that was suggested? How do we solve that problem? When asked if there was concern that it wou ld affect the credibility of the government, Dr. Chonnan said that we look at it from two angles. The legislative branch's inspection role is considered to be a constitutional duty. If we use this inspection to our advantage, the government itself believes that we will gain points from here. If the government has confidence and confidence in the process or methods in performing its duties Working to the utmost Take the work you have done for the people to explain. at a parliamentary meeting Both the meeting of MPs and senators believed that it would be more beneficial to the people.- Source: Thai News Agency