SET launches Happy Money, Happy Jobbers to enhance financial stability in freelance careers.

Bangkok, Stock Exchange Launching a new campaign, Happy Money, Happy Jobbers, expanding money management knowledge to freelancers and? Multi-Jobbers "Independent life, pro-money job" by enhancing knowledge to be able to manage money appropriately? It is expected that the target group will join in learning 3,000 people. Mr. Sornphon Tulyasathien, Deputy Manager, Head of Capital Market Sustainability Development Department The Stock Exchange of Thailand said that independent work in the form of freelancers and working in multiple careers at the same time (Multi-Jobbers) tends to grow continuously in Thailand. But this career group also comes with financial challenges. especially the uncertainty of income and the limitations of welfare. Stock Exchange Sees the importance of accelerating the promotion of financial knowledge, which is a skill that will create stability in life for all target groups. Recently launched the campaign "Happy Money, Happy Jobbers, independent life, pro-money work" to encourage the new generation of freelancers and Multi-Jobbers. Have basic knowledge of financial planning, insurance planning, and tax management. This is an important strategic plan for this year and is in line with the concept of the Stock Exchange of Thailand, entering its 50th year of jointly creating the future. For everyone's opportunity by the Stock Exchange We have developed content and tools that focus on being able to manage your own money appropriately. Hopefully this campaign will be an important source of learning for freelancers and Multi-Jobbers Helps create financial stability and increase wealth. Be prepared to receive change and uncertainty. It is expected that this year there will be 3,000 target groups joining in learning. Ms. Suvita Charanwong, Co-Founder and CEO of Tellscore Company Limited (Tellscore), one of the partner organizations in the 'Happy Money, Happy Jobbers' campaign, said that nowadays there are more diverse work styles, especially among the new generation. More likely to be self-employed E specially the content creator profession. This is consistent with data showing that the current labor market situation has as many as 9 million content creators and influencers in Thailand, considered to be a hot career and an important source of income. But at the same time there is no certainty of income. There is also a lack of access to social welfare. Knowledge and understanding of money management, savings discipline, and various tax planning. Tellscore is pleased to join in expanding the knowledge in the "Happy Money, Happy Jobbers" project to reach all target groups together to create a society with further financial stability 'Happy Money, Happy Jobbers, independent life, professional work, great money' money management campaign for freelancers and Multi-Jobbers. There is a learning process that consists of two newest SET e-Learning courses: a Multi-Jobbers and Freelancers style financial planning course and a tax planning style course. Multi-Jobbers and Freelancers The content is concise, easy to u nderstand, to the point, ready to expand learning through Wealth Studio activities 'Life Hacks' The New Me for Fin Freedom, practicing using money management tools. Risk management, tax planning and investment planning and Financial Mentor receive advice from financial planning experts. Apply to join the campaign at There is no cost. For further inquiries, SET Contact Center 0 2009 9999. Source: Thai News Agency