
Showing work for 6 months, visiting foreign countries, delighted that Thailand is back on the world’s radar screen.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, "Panpree" shows off her work during a 6-month visit to foreign countries. Delighted that Thailand is back on the world's radar screen. points to tangible diplomacy Mr. Panpree Phitthanukorn, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Press conference on the results of foreign visits in the past 6 months, saying that the government places importance on proactive foreign policy. Amidst constant change The uncertainties of geopolitics, geography, geotechnology, global warming, and the potential for the spread of epidemics. In addition, the Thai economy is still highly dependent on the world economy. We will notice that the economy has been affected, with GDP expanding lower. Mr. Panpree said that Thailand is far from the world's radar screen. It's as if we have less interaction with foreigners. As a result, Thailand's role in foreign affairs has decreased. Especially in ASEAN, which used to be outstanding before, it has greatly decreased, along with a summary of 4 works , including 'Proactive Diplomacy It gives Thailand a better status and recognition.' Himself, the Prime Minister, the Deputy Minister and many other ministers. Traveling to visit many foreign countries It also opens its doors to many countries. Most recently, it has enhanced its strategic partnership with England. It is a pleasure. England attaches great importance to Thailand. And in the past there have been meetings in various circles including UNGA, ASEAN-Australia, ASEAN-Pacific, ASEAN-Japan and APEC. 'We didn't just visit. There are foreigners gradually coming to visit Thailand. We couldn't make the queue in time. visiting foreign countries It's not just a trip to meet each other, shake hands and go home. Must have content At least look at the cooperation that has already happened. And there will continue to be,' Mr. Panpree said. Mr. Panpree said that this year marks the first year that Thailand has been invited to attend the Summit for Democracy in South Korea, showing that Thailand is entering democ racy. There are also meetings with the global private sector. More than 60 multinational companies focus on attracting investment digital economy and green economy Mr. Panpree said that second, "timely diplomacy in times of crisis," especially negotiations with foreign countries such as Israel. We must set a principle for bringing Thai people back to the country in a short period of time. I admit I was very shocked. I don't know how to proceed. When we found our footing I already knew that I had to bring back Thai people who were experiencing problems and were afraid. At that time there were more than 7,000 people. In a short period of time, decisions had to be made quickly. Because the situation at that time was chaotic. But it was done well. the one who was captured I don't know where I am, but I find a way to talk to people who can talk to Hamas. in order to have all the hostages released Mr. Panpree revealed that sometimes he cannot sleep. Including officials based in Israel. So I decided to travel to a country that could help. Whether it be Qatar, Egypt, Iran, and a few other countries that coordinate by phone. He is very helpful. Until 23 hostages were able to get out, 8 others are still in Gaza. It is known that 3 people are still alive, while the other 5 people do not know where they are. because they are scattered Not in the same place But there is still hope that all 8 people are safe. In addition, the United States and China There was an attempt to talk. to keep pushing Even if not directly involved There is also the issue of the human trafficking situation in Myanmar. Acknowledge that Thai people go to work there. I want to go back to my country. By contacting through the embassy But right now, traveling within Myanmar is still difficult. There is still fighting. This causes the need for coordination among many parties regarding travel across third country borders. Now it's gradually coming out. Third, 'Placement is on the world situation. and playing an active role in the region.' We take a balanc ed and friendly stance, not taking sides, based on the principles of international law and the interests of the Thai people. That Mr. Jake Sullivan, US Security Adviser, and Mr. Wang Yi, Minister of Foreign Affairs of China Let's talk in Thailand It is considered to be a story that reflects this very well. We have played a clear role in helping Myanmar to open up as a united country. stability and peace We have initiated a humanitarian project. It is also a starting point for pushing forward the implementation of the 5-point consensus of ASEAN. Lastly 'Diplomacy that people can feel' We went to the border area several times. To listen to various problems There is also the matter of promoting Thai workers to go abroad and taking care of Thai agencies abroad. This year, the goal is to export 100,000 workers. Mr. Panpree said that in the next 6 months The results of the visit will be put into practice. The implementation of the agreement to be completed has been completed. Accelerating follow-up on the impleme ntation of various discussions, aiming to visit all ASEAN countries and countries that have not yet been visited within 6 months, such as Vietnam, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Singapore and South Africa. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Must continue campaigning for membership in the United Nations Human Rights Council. Accelerate and expand FTA negotiations with other countries. Opening new markets in South Africa, South Asia and Central Asia Push for visa exemptions for Thai people traveling abroad. Reform the entire visa system Especially the Schengen visa That takes time to process. Because there is not just one country. Free visas are being expedited for those who want to enter Thailand as well. 'Tangible diplomacy Diplomatic operations were carried out with direction and strategy. To increase economic opportunities Generate income and increase the dignity of Thai people,' Mr. Panpree said. Mr. Panpree responded to a reporter's question about his readiness for a general discussion under Section 15 2, which Mr. Panpree said that the discussion is not about what the government did wrong or right. But it is a recommendation from the council. which cannot know what to ask about But in foreign affairs, we are ready. 'Today's announcement It is not preparation for debate. But to let people know what foreign affairs does. What is the focus? And what will you do next? To know the role of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Thailand is now on the world's radar screen. from visiting foreign countries And as a result of various countries visiting us, it has led to foreign cooperation in many matters,' Mr. Panpree said. Source: Thai News Agency