
Switzerland knocks out defending champion Italy

Switzerland upset Italy, the defending champion, in the second round of Euro 2024. Meanwhile, host Germany beat Denmark and entered the last 8 as the second team. European Football Championship or Euro 2024 in Berlin, round of 16, the first pair, Switzerland meets Italy, the former champions, at the Olympiastadion, Berlin, in the 24th minute, Breel Embolo breaks free. He went in to hit with his right but was still saved by Gianluigi Donnarumma, the Italian goalkeeper. In the 37th minute, Ruben Vargas flowed for Remo Freuler to catch the ball with his right. before volleying with his full left. Switzerland took the lead 1-0 in the 45th minute + 1 Fabian Rieder, midfielder from Rennes. He scored a free kick with his left and the ball almost went into the first post, but Donnarumma missed and missed the second goal. The second half started with only 27 seconds left, Ruben Vargas, Man of the Match in this match, spun with his right foot past Donnarumma's hand into the far post to give Switzerland a 2-0 lead. I n the 52nd minute, Nicolo Fagioli crossed in front of the goal, Fabian Schar headed the ball away but it almost went into the goal. Luckily, the ball hit the post. At the end of the game, Switzerland upset the previous champion, Italy, and advanced to the last 8 teams for the second time in a row to wait to meet England or Slovakia on the night of July 6 at 11:00 p.m. Another pair in Dortmund The German Iron Eagle team, the host and former 3-time Euro Champions, met the "Dairy Team" Denmark, former champions of 1992. Starting the game only 4 minutes, Germany had a chance to score a goal and take the lead first from the moment Toni Kroos launched a corner kick in front of the goal for Niko Ch. Lotterbeck headed in, but English referee Michael Oliver It was a foul on Joshua Kimmich. Germany then continued to attack heavily and had several chances to take the lead through Joshua Kimmich, Nico Schlotterbeck and Kai Havertz, but were all saved by Kasper Schmeichel. In the 35th minute, the referee had to stop the game due to heavy rain and lightning. In the 37th minute, David Rom crossed for Kai Havertz to head the ball but was blocked by Kasper Schmeichel. Only 3 minutes into the second half, Joachim Andersen shot with his left foot into the net, but after checking with VAR, Thomas Delaney was offside only by the tip of his cleats from the first moment. In the 51st minute, David Rom crossed and hit the hand of Joachim Andersen. After checking with VAR, the referee awarded Germany a penalty and it was Kai Havertz who shot with his left foot into the net, giving Germany a 1-0 lead. In the 68th minute, Nico Schlotterbeck A long pass was passed to Jamal Musiala who broke away and shot with his right foot into the far post for the third goal, giving Germany a 2-0 lead as joint top scorer. In the 90+1 minute, Manuel Neuer passed the ball long to Florian Wirtz who shot in, but it was offside. The game ended with Germany winning 2-0 and advancing to the last 8 teams as the second team to meet "The Bulls" Spain or Georgia on the night of July 5 at 11:00 p.m. This makes the last 8 teams now have the first 2 teams that have qualified, namely the "Iron Eagle" team, Germany, the host, who hopes to win the 4th European Championship, and Switzerland. As for the program for the Round of 16, tonight there are two more matches at 11:00 p.m. "The Roaring Lions" England meets Slovakia. The team that wins this match will advance to the final 8 teams to meet. Switzerland 2:00 a.m. "Fierce Bull Team" Spain meets Georgia. The team that wins this match will advance to the round of 8. Germany.-Thai News Bureau Source: Thai News Agency