
The Anti-Corruption Division police arrested the prosecutor of Nakhon Si Thammarat for accepting bribery in a case.

The Anti-Corruption Division police, together with the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) and the Public Sector Anti-Corruption Commission (PACC), raided the office of the 'Public Prosecutor of Nakhon Si Thammarat' after he allegedly tried to negotiate a resolution to a case. At 11:00 a.m. today (July 31), Mr. Niwatchai Kasem Mongkol, Secretary-General of the NACC, along with Pol. Maj. Gen. Charoenkiat Pankaew, Deputy Commander of the Central Investigation Bureau (Deputy Commander of the Central Investigation Bureau), Pol. Maj. Gen. Prasong Chalermphan, Commander of the Anti-Corruption Division (ACD), and Mr. Phumiwisan Kasem Suk, Secretary-General of the NACC, led a force to arrest a provincial prosecutor of the Office of the Attorney General, who was acting as a screener, in the office of the Nakhon Si Thammarat Provincial Prosecutor's Office, along with 150,000 baht in evidence. After being accused of an arrest warrant from the Central Criminal Court for Corruption and Misconduct Cases No. 84/25 67 dated July 11, 2566, on charges of "being an official who demands property or benefits improperly in order to act or refrain from acting in a position, whether such action is proper or improper, being an official who performs or neglects to perform duties improperly in order to cause damage to another person, or performing or refraining from performing duties corruptly." Being a public prosecutor who demands, receives, or agrees to receive property or other benefits for himself or another person in an improper manner in order to act or refrain from acting in any position, regardless of whether such action is proper or improper; Being a government official who performs or refrains from acting in any position or duty, or uses power in any position or duty improperly in order to cause damage to another person, or who performs or refrains from acting in a corrupt manner; Being a government official who demands, receives, or agrees to receive property or other benefits for himself or another person in an impro per manner in order to act or refrain from acting in any position, regardless of whether such action is proper or improper.' A source from the Anti-Corruption Division stated that the arrest this time was due to the suspect, who is a provincial prosecutor at the Office of the Attorney General, acting as a screener but demanding benefits from a victim who was prosecuted in a land title theft case, claiming that he could help clear the case for the victim, but on the condition that he pay 200,000 baht as a fee. However, because the victim was afraid that if she did not comply, she would be harassed, since the victim's case was currently under consideration by the prosecutor, she decided to pay the first installment of 50,000 baht. She then quickly brought the matter to discuss with the NACC officers, which led to the integration of forces with the police, the Anti-Corruption Division, and the NACC officers to gather evidence and request the court's permission to issue an arrest warrant. They planned to make t he arrest today, which was the date of the payment of the remaining 150,000 baht, leading to the arrest along with the evidence. Currently, they are searching for additional evidence in the prosecutor's office. From the initial interrogation, the said prosecutor continued to deny all charges. Latest: OAG orders immediate transfer of Nakhon Si Thammarat prosecutor who demanded money to drop case, orders Region 8 Attorney General to report facts today. Meanwhile, Prayut, spokesman for the Attorney General, pointed out that it is a serious matter that affects the image and requires decisive action. Mr. Prayut Petchkhun, spokesman of the Office of the Attorney General, mentioned the case in which the NACC and the Public Sector Anti-Corruption Commission today brought forces with an arrest warrant from the Central Criminal Court for Corruption and Misconduct Cases to arrest a screening prosecutor of the Nakhon Si Thammarat Provincial Prosecutor's Office who had the behavior of demanding benefits from a victim w ho was prosecuted in a land title theft case, claiming that he could negotiate to clear the case for the victim, but on the condition that he had to pay 200,000 baht as a legal fee. He said that he had been informed of the news from the media and initially reported the matter to the Attorney General. After the Attorney General learned of the matter, he ordered the transfer of the aforementioned prosecutor to the central office immediately today. He also ordered the Director-General of the Office of the Attorney General Region 8 to report the facts today. Mr. Prayut continued that the incident inevitably affected the organization's image. If the investigation results in this case, decisive action will be taken in both criminal and disciplinary cases. In the past, the Office of the Attorney General considered this type of matter to be a serious image and public confidence in the Office of the Attorney General. In the past, if an incident like this occurred, the Office of the Attorney General would take decisiv e action in every case, but they had to wait for the report from the Attorney General of Region 8 first. Source: Thai News Agency