
The nanny teacher is very patient. She complained of being threatened by a neighbor hallucinating her about drugs.

June 8 - The nanny can't stand it. Sai Mai must survive. Neighbors were haunted by drugs, threatened, intimidated, cursed, and thrown things at the roof of the house for 5 years. Mrs. Yukolthorn, 57 years old, teacher and nanny with family Travel to sing on the Sai Mai Must Survive page. After being threatened, threatened, and cursed with vulgar words by neighbors against the family for 5 years since 2020, even though there had never been a problem. The other party has a career riding a motorcycle for hire. My son used to call for the service often. The family tried to negotiate, and both parties admitted that they had a habit of taking drugs until they hallucinated, thinking that their youngest son was cursing. I apologized and promised not to behave like this again, but it came back as before. and have more severe behavior In addition to cursing with vulgar words He started throwing things: mortars, pestles, cutting boards, stones, and electric pans. He had already reported the matter to the Lak Song Pol ice Station, but the matter was not over. Those who came to complain today Because I feel that my family is not safe. Because the other party threatened to do harm Source: Thai News Agency