Internal Affairs

The referendum committee adjusted the content and drew up a timeline for the election day.

Bangkok,, The Referendum Committee has adjusted the content, drawing a timeline for voting and the election date, setting conditions: no earlier than 60 days, no later than 150 days. 'Anutin' proposed an amendment to add a criterion of 1 in 4 people to exercise their rights as a condition for passing the referendum. Mr. Nikorn Chamnong, Secretary of the House of Representatives' Special Committee on the Consideration of the Draft Referendum Act, revealed the progress of the meeting after considering it 4 times. The meeting concluded on the issue of setting the date for the referendum, which the original draft set the date for the vote on the same day as the general election of the MPs, the election of local councils or local administrators due to the completion of their terms. An additional time period was set, i.e., the date for the vote could be set according to the said election, but it must not be earlier than 60 days and no later than 150 days, to create clarity. Mr. Nikorn also said that for the fina l issue of the referendum criteria, it was found that Mr. Anutin Charnvirakul, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, had sent the opinion of the Ministry of Interior requesting an amendment to the criteria of those who come out to vote in the referendum, requesting that the criteria be no less than 1 in 4 of the eligible voters, in addition to the criteria for passing the referendum which requires a majority of votes of more than half of the voters. In this regard, he accepted to be the amendment and must wait for the consideration of the committee again because the issue is different from the content presented to the parliament which specified that the criteria for passing the referendum be only a majority of the voters. Mr. Nikorn also said that in addition, the committee also received a letter from the Democratic Constitutional Alliance (DPA) which submitted to the committee on July 26 to provide opinions on the preparation of content on several issues, such as having the Election Commission (EC ) and government agencies support and facilitate the public, political parties, and private development organizations to express their opinions, both in favor and against the referendum and various forms of campaigning, and requiring volunteers to vote in the referendum for fairness and honesty, etc. 'The proposal of the PPRP also asks the House and Senate to expedite consideration of the draft referendum bill as soon as possible in order to be in time for the first referendum on the drafting of a new constitution, along with the election of the provincial administrative organization president on February 3, 2025,' said Mr. Nikorn. Source: Thai News Agency