The Teachers Council did not wait. Order to suspend the professional license of the director of a drug dealing school

The Teachers Council orders the suspension of all types of educational professional licenses. The director of a school in Surin Province trafficked drugs without waiting for the results of the investigation. and appoint a subcommittee to investigate misconduct in professional ethics. Including an order to leave government service first. Asst. Prof. Dr. Amonwan Wirathammo, Secretary-General of the Teachers Council, revealed that from a case that appeared in the media on March 3, there was a school director in Surin Province who had behavior related to drugs. By police officers from the Investigation Division, Sub-Division 1, Drug Trafficking Division. The Narcotics Suppression Police Headquarters (Division 1, Narcotics Suppression Division, Narcotics Suppression Division) has arrested and charged the school director with the charge of 'jointly distributing narcotics of the type Number 1 (amphetamine or methamphetamine) with intent to sell which is an act of trade causing spread among the people and cause an impact on the security of the state or the safety of the general public.' The Teachers Council Secretariat has checked the information and found that the said school director has a teaching license. and professional license for educational institution administrators It is learned that the parent agency has appointed a committee to investigate serious disciplinary matters. and had an order to leave government service first Therefore, the matter was submitted to the Professional Standards Committee for consideration in terms of professional ethics violations. And in the meeting of the Professional Standards Committee No. 2/2024 on Friday, March 8, 2024, the Professional Standards Committee It was resolved to immediately suspend the said school director's license to practice all types of educational professions. without waiting for the results of the investigation and appoint a subcommittee to investigate misconduct in professional ethics. Asst. Prof. Dr. Amonwan further said that after there was an order to s uspend the educational professional license. The Subcommittee for Investigation of Professional Ethical Conduct will expedite the investigation of misconduct. According to the Teachers Council regulations regarding consideration Conduct that violates the Professional Ethics B.E. 2010 and its amendments And if after completing all the steps it is found that there is a true offense, the Professional Standards Committee will be proposed to revoke the said school director's license to practice all types of professions. Source: Thai News Agency