
UNHCR Regional Bureau for Asia and Pacific (RBAP) Myanmar Emergency – External Update

The security situation remained tense across Myanmar with armed clashes which continued to trigger displacement. As of 4 April 2022, there were an estimated 907,500 Internally Displaced persons (IDPs) across Myanmar including 560,900 newly displaced since 1 February 2021. These include 234,600 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in South-East Myanmar and 227,300 IDPs in the North-West.

In the South-East, intensified armed clashes continued with incidents reported in Kayin State’s Hpapun, Kawkareik, Myawaddy and Kyainseikgyi townships, Mon State’s Kyaikhto Township and Bago Region’s Shwegyin Township. In Myawaddy Township, Kayin State, some 1,700 IDPs who were already displaced in IDP sites or living in villages on the riverbanks that borders Thailand have arrived in Tak border villages after they fled clashes which began at the end of March 2022. In Kayin State, some 1,500 IDPs have returned to their place of origin in Kawkareik Township due to fewer armed clashes over the past weeks. Clashed have however intensified in Southern Kawkareik, resulting in new displacements. Clashes intensified in Kayin, Mon and Kaya States and in Tanintharyi Region. There were reports of the killing of civilians during airstrikes and shelling. In Palaw Township, Tanintharyi Region, some 1,000 IDPs living in displacements sites are in urgent need of food assistance. In the South-East, the majority of IDPs are located in Kayah State (92,600), Kayin State (74,00), Shan State South (50,600), as well as in Mon State (7,600), Tanintharyi Region (8,900) Bago Region (900)

In Rakhine State, return movements of IDPs from Ann Township to their areas of origin increased significantly with over 300 families returning during the reporting period. The decision to return is triggered by a combination of factors including livelihood opportunities.

In the North-West, armed clashes continue to displace families. The number of IDPs crossed the 300,000 mark this month. In Chin State, around 1,500 new displacements were reported in Kanpetlet Township due to fear of clashes. Displacement numbers are expected to further increase as security operations and armed clashes continue. In the North-West, clashes have resulted in 227,300 IDPs in Sagaing Region, 45,000 in Magway Region and 36,300 in Chin State.

In Kachin and Shan (North) states, the security situation remained tense and fighting continued in multiple townships. In urban areas such as Hpakant and Myitkyina, explosive devices continue to feature heavily in armed conflict incidents reported, while in more rural areas, such as Mohnyin, Mansi, Putao, and Waingmaw, clashes, including the use of artillery and airstrikes, have continued. In Shan State (North), clashes decreased compared to February 2022, while fighting in northeastern Shan State (Muse) has continued. There was also less new displacement in both Kachin and Shan (North) states in March compared to February 2022. Some IDPs displaced in February from Putao Township to Myitkyina Town also returned to their villages with the facilitation of local community leaders.

Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees