PRESS RELEASES Appoints Global Consultancy Frost & Sullivan to Carry Out Its Revaluation – Also Enables Limited Placements of Its Otherwise Unavailable Shares

WM’s Share Swap Platform can be accessed worldwide

WM’s Share Swap Platform can be accessed worldwide – the Global Telephony Company that created the world’s first Global Digital Currency and Global Clearing System – has initiated its Revaluation by Global Consultancy Frost & Sullivan, and is enabling limited placements of its shares on its own platform and via external entities

ST PETER PORT, Guernsey and NEW YORK, Oct. 29, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Since completing its refined Platform 2 in late 2021, Global Telephony Provider (“WM”) has been preparing to focus its attention primarily on global expansion in 2022. This global expansion will be implemented by WM’s appointment of multiple marketing companies that have marketing agent complements in the thousands of persons, who will extend the Affiliate (VSMP) Program opportunity to entities worldwide.

As WM had already gained worldwide VSMPs that have cumulatively just over 288 million members through the activities of primarily only one marketing agent without it even commencing active marketing of the VSMP opportunity, it anticipates VSMP growth in 2022, and with that, rapid member and revenue growth in 2022.

WM’s Global Growth via VSMPs is extremely rapid

WM’s Global Growth via VSMPs is extremely rapid

Moreover, WM’s position of having zero debt combined with extremely low running costs – due to its Artificial Intelligence Complex Adaptive System managing the majority of the administrative and logistical flows on its Platform, and its worldwide premises and personnel requirements being satisfied by its VSMPs – the Company is able to focus the majority of its attention on these expansion activities.

The only other activities WM will undertake in 2022 are the making live of five additional Facilities which are already configured within its system:

  • Its Gold-Backed “Secured TUV” Global Digital Currency
  • Its Programmable “Smart TUV” Digital Currency
  • Its SCRM Kiosks for global refunds to primarily Unbanked persons
  • Its Personal Emergency System
  • Its Global Emergency System

As all these Facilities are largely already completed, they will be able to be made live without detracting from the primary focus of global expansion.

In closing off the year 2021, WM is therefore attending to two remaining aspects of its business to be completed prior to 2022’s focused expansion, which are:

  • Revaluation of the Company to include the value of the reconfigured TUV Global Digital Currency
  • Enabling its private shareholders to make some of their shareholding available for sale, to acquire liquidity


WM has appointed the Global Consultancy, Frost & Sullivan, to carry out the revaluation, and to include the value of WM’s Globally Valid TUV Digital Currency in its reconfigured format. This is because in its reconfigured format, the TUV Digital Currency is easily recognizable to all people. This in turn makes it easily usable for every transaction type, in every country, by any persons or entities who are Members of WM or one of its VSMPs, worldwide.

Consequently, the additional value that access to all these markets in all countries – including the ten largest markets in the world by volume and value – is anticipated to be significant.

WM appointed Frost & Sullivan because it is one of the world’s longest-established and most experienced global consultancies. It has been providing analysis, research, advisory and other specialized services to a worldwide client base for over 60 years – to the extent it now partners with 98% of the world’s top 1 000 companies.

Moreover, Frost & Sullivan’s thousand-plus highly skilled analysts provide expert advisory services across 13 industries, 35 sectors and 300 markets globally.

Frost & Sullivan has also been following the progress of WM for the last 13 years – since the initiation of limited operations with its Platform 1, and throughout the testing and period and the rebuild of its refined Platform 2. It also previously carried out two global due diligences on WM in North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia, and Africa, with teams led by some of its most experienced personnel (see the “Resources” section of this article for a video on confirmation of this due diligence).

Consequently, Frost & Sullivan is best placed to carry out a competent review and revaluation of WM to include the additional value brought by the reconfigured TUV Digital Currency, in its reconfigured format.

This Revaluation is anticipated to be completed in mid-December 2021.


WM has not utilized, or taken in any funding from external corporate entities, to complete its System. It was completely self-financed by its founder and by a small number of less than 300 private individuals. As these private individuals have had a long wait for the WM System to be planned, built, tested worldwide for nine years, and then rebuilt as the refined Platform 2, WM is now enabling those individuals who wish to do so – to place some of their shareholding in WM, to acquire some liquidity.

WM’s shares have historically been unavailable to third parties outside of private individuals who were personally introduced to the Company by existing shareholders. This will therefore constitute the first opportunity for external persons and parties to acquire any shareholding in WM.

This limited placement of WM shares will be carried out via two mechanisms, which are as follow:

The WM Share Swap Platform:
Because WM is not going to list on a Stock Exchange – because it does not need to raise capital and it deems it a risk to list on venues owned by private companies whose business WM may affect in the future – it has created its own Closed-Loop Members-Only internal market – the Share Swap Platform.

The Share Swap Platform is open to Qualified Members of WM within its Closed-Loop members-Only system. To join WM is free, and the requirements to become a Qualified Member are that a Member needs to upload specific KYC confirmation documents to confirm his or her capacity to subscribe. This internal market is overseen by WM’s Resident Agent and Registrar firm, which is a licensed fiduciary services firm in Guernsey.

The Share Swap Platform enables Member-Shareholders to place offers on the Platform of shares they wish to sell, and other qualified members of WM may acquire these shares over the platform, directly, in PP2P transactions, at zero cost (other than the cost of the shares). The minimum acquisition price on the Share Swap Platform is the minimum price of the shares as set by WM’s last valuation (USD 252.00 per share).

The platform has been reviewed and approved by WM’s supervising Resident Agent and Registrar firm in Guernsey, which also has oversight over all Share Swap Transactions.

This is a safe, secure, zero cost and efficient platform and internal market, and to utilize it, all that is required is to join WM as a member, and upload the relevant KYC documentation to become a Qualified Member (i.e. a member Qualified to utilize the Share Swap platform).

To utilize the Share Swap Platform, all that is required is to join WM as a Member from any one of its urls as shown in the “Resources” section of this article, click on the “Share Swap” link in the WM Account, and follow the directions listed there. Alternatively, an email can be sent to the helpline email address requesting assistance, at

Placements by external companies and entities:
For persons or entities that do not wish to utilize the Share Swap Platform, or who wish to ensure they acquire WM shares, and who consequently do not wish to first take the time to have their KYC documents certified and reverified by an attorney or notary, WM has facilitated a second mechanism.

WM has obtained consent from its supervising Resident Agent and Share Registrar in Guernsey to allow and enable external companies and firms – appropriately qualified and experienced in their fields – to acquire or place some of these WM shares. This can take the form of these appropriately qualified and experienced companies and firms either acquiring some of the WM shares, or acquiring them on behalf of clients who wish to secure shares without having to wait for their KYC documents to be certified, uploaded and reverified prior to being able to acquire WM shares.

The difference between the WM Share Placements via the Share Swap Platform and via and Approved Entity is that the Approved Entity will be authorized to negotiate discounted share acquisition or placements directly with the Member-Shareholders who wish to sell some of their shares.

This is in acknowledgement that external companies or firms run businesses, so it is reasonable to enable them to be able to accrue revenue for their professional efforts. The discount rate at which the shares are acquired or placed according to this method will be up to the negotiations between the Shareholders and the Approved Entity. However, WM and its Resident Agent and Share Registrar will have oversight over the ratification of any discounted share prices in these transactions, to ensure the stability of WM’s overall share value.

The opportunity to become an Approved Entity for this placement is open to any suitably qualified and experienced entity worldwide. To initiate the process to become an approved entity – which is a rapid and efficient professional process – such entities should send an email expressing their interest and providing their details to WM’s Resident Agent and Share Registrar at the email address:


The Share Placements process will commence before the conclusion of the impending Revaluation of WM, and it will continue for as long as is required to enable the placement of the limited number of shares by the Member-Shareholders who wish to liquidate some of their stock. Whether the placement is completed prior to the impending Revaluation, after it, or after the additional Revaluation in Q1 2022 to include the value of the Gold-Backed “Secure TUV” and Programmable “Smart TUV” will simply be a matter of demand, and the capacity of external “Approved Entities”, as is standard free-market practice.

As far as WM’s expansion and additional Facilities’ releases in 2022 are concerned, these are already set, and will be implemented regardless of the limited Share Placements – as these activities are not dependent on each other.

Moreover, as WM has zero debts and extremely low running costs, it has declared there will be a dividend rate in 2022 of 50% of WM’s total net revenue, once its global revenues start to increase, so whether shares of its founder shareholders are fully or partially-acquired will have no effect on their receipt of increasing dividends through 2022 and beyond.


Media Contact:
Nick Lambert:

Details of the Global Consultancy Frost & Sullivan:

Historical Comments by Frost & Sullivan’s Global ICT Practice of their Due Diligence on WM:

Previous Valuation of WM by Frost & Sullivan:

Details of WM’s Resident Agent and Share Registrar Firm:

Contact for Companies and Firms wishing to become Approved Entities:

Contact for Inquiries regarding WM’s Share Swap Facility:

Comments on the WM System’s Capacities by Professor Jan Kregel of the Levy Economics Institute:

Research Papers on WM’s Global Clearing System and TUV Digital Currency:

Media Articles on WM:

Characteristics of WM’s TUV Digital Currency:

WM’s urls: (Tablets / Laptops / Desktops) (Smart Phones) (Pre-Smart Mobile Phones)

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