
Young man files complaint against ‘The Icon’ after his father invested until he lost everything and decided to hang himself

Chiang Rai man brings evidence to file a complaint against his father who invested in ‘The Icon’ until he lost everything, had a family fight, and decided to hang himself. Meanwhile, the upper northern provinces are gradually filing complaints against the executives of The Icon, with total damages of over 77 million baht.

Mr. Phongsaphan, 23 years old, one of the victims of The Icon Group, brought evidence to file a complaint with the investigator, stating that Mr. Thanapong, his father, 56 years old, took his savings to invest in The Icon business. After his father invested in 2017, he invited his mother, as well as other relatives, to invest together and invested more. From having savings, a house, and 3 cars, everything was lost to his father’s investments. Until recently, his father and mother argued about his father investing until it was all gone, causing him and his younger sister to not be able to continue their studies. In the end, his mother asked for a divorce from his father.

Then, the father we
nt to live in a temple near the house before committing suicide by hanging himself in April 2020, more than 4 years ago. Until he saw the news about The Icon, he collected evidence to file a complaint against the company. The investigator accepted the case and took the statement as evidence to proceed with the law.

While the number of victims who have filed complaints in Chiang Rai Province is now 62, the damages are estimated at 18 million baht.

258 people in the upper North have been affected by ‘The Icon’.

Pol. Col. Suthida Smitthikrai, Commander of Division 2, Police Operations Division, Region 5, revealed that people in 8 provinces in the upper North, including Chiang Rai, Chiang Mai, Lamphun, Lampang, Phrae, Nan, Phayao, Mae Hong Son, and Uttaradit, who have invested with The Icon, have been continuously filing complaints against the company’s executives. The total number of cases now stands at 258, with total damages of over 77 million baht. Chiang Mai has filed the most complaints at 89, with damag
es as high as 28 million baht.

Open for complaints for 3 days, total damages exceed 7 million baht.

In Ubon Ratchathani Province, many victims brought evidence to file a complaint with the investigation officer at Ubon Ratchathani City Police Station. Some reported to press charges, while others provided information about The Icon Group to show their innocence.

Police said that since the center opened for complaints in this case for 3 days, there have been 27 victims with total damages of more than 7 million baht. Ubon Ratchathani City Police Station has prepared 42 investigators to receive complaints in this case specifically and 24 hours a day. Victims who wish to file a complaint are asked to prepare documents and evidence so that investigators can proceed immediately.

Source: Thai News Agency